Announcing the Arbor Ridge HOA Annual Easter Egg Hunt.
Please come join our Arbor Ridge HOA 2014 Easter Egg Hunt. Everyone is welcome to come. There will be over 2000 eggs hidden for the children, raffle prizes, and crafts.
Bring an Easter Egg Basket or a carrying device for your eggs.
There will be three age groups: 3 years and under (parents may assist their little ones), 4 years – 7 years old, and 8+ years old. Each child will receive a raffle ticket. There will be a raffle drawing with prizes after the Hunt and also a neat craft for each child to take home to do.
Looking forward to seeing you at this special event.
Thank you!
The Board of Directors of Arbor Ridge HOA
When: Sat, April 19th, 10am – 12pm
Where: George W. Otten Park (NE corner of Laidlaw and Emerald Canyon)