Annual Meeting Minutes 2013

Annual Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the Home Owners on the following year’s Annual Meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Oct 1st 1999 would be Approved at the next Annual Meeting Oct 1st 2000 and then posted to the web site.

Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association Annual Meeting October 22nd 2013

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:45 pm
  • Special presentation from Michele Grote, Thrive Corporation. This is in support of our Neighborhood Watch Program initiatives and disasters recovery for our Arbor Ridge Community.

II. Proof of Notice of Meeting

III. Established Quorum

  • Quorum was achieved with 170+ proxies and registration

IV. Meeting Miniutes

  • Annual Meeting Minutes from Oct. 23, 2012 were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously

V. President’s Report

  • Mike Foster facilitated the meeting and reported to the Home Owners a review of the year of 2013. Special focus was placed upon the Neighborhood Watch program, Social Committee, Tree Project (Davey Report) plan and committees involvement.
  • A review and approval of the 2014 budget (motioned first and then seconded/carried)
  • Nomination from the floor took place.
  • Election of Board Members took place.
  • Special recognition’s

VI. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at: 7:50 pm

Annual Meeting Reminder 2014

Home owners this is just a reminder that the Annual Meeting is this coming Tuesday Oct 21st 2014 @ 6:30 pm at Bethany Elementary School, 3305 Northwest 174th Avenue, Portland, OR 97229.

Please arrive early to sign in so the meeting can start on time, registration will begin at 6:00 pm.

Home Owners will receive a letter from our Management Company containing a proxy form and information on the upcoming Annual Meeting on October 21st, 2014.  It is really important that if you can not attend the Annual Meeting that you send the proxy form back in the postage paid envelope or you may scan and email your completed form to the Management Office attn: [email protected] and [email protected]

A quorum of Home Owners is needed in order to move forward with day to day business.  Extra mailings cost you the Home Owners $700 per a mailing and continue until we reach the quorum.

If you return your signed and dated proxy form, your name will be entered in a drawing.  However one entry per household allowed only and you must be present at the meeting on October 21st, 2014 for the drawing, ID with your home address must be shown at the meeting to claim your prize if your name is drawn.
Drawing will be for the following:
Visa Gift Card  –  $250.00
Safeway Gift Card – $100.00
Starbucks Gift Card – $50.00

We would really like to see the Home Owners attend the Annual Meeting so that you can have input on the members of the Board, find out what is occurring in your neighborhood and provide feedback as an Arbor Ridge Home Owner.

If you are interested in running for a Board Position please contact Lynda Dulong at The Management Group (see the contacts page) .  We are also looking for people to be involved with the Social Committee, Neighborhood Watch Committee, Newsletter Committee and Landscape Committee.  Please let us know by emailing us, contacting Lynda Dulong or attending the Annual Meeting.

The Annual meeting is a great opportunity to meet the Board of Directors and the Management company that help manage the community.  If you are interested in a Board Position or would like to be a member on one of the committees this is a great place to get involved.

If you need a copy of the letter and/or proxy form please see this link.

2014 PROXY

Minutes July 2014

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.  If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.


Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for September 24th, 2013

Homeowner Input

Homeowner in attendance had concerns with her neighbor. Wanting to know if she could have power washers go to the home and then attach a lien on the home when they go to sell. Homeowner is curious why the issue has been outstanding for so long. Lynda said that an attorney would need to get involved – which means the HOA would incur attorney fees. In addition, the HOA would need to be careful from getting sued for trespassing onto someone’s property to do maintenance. Lynda suggested calling the police if they see any suspicious activity. There isn’t very much the Board can do at this point – outside what has already been done. An additional homeowner suggested contacting the REO department?

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:51 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • April 22, 2014 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously. Motion carried.

III. Treasure’s Report

  • Lynda DuLong gave the following report:
    We are trending on track with all budget categories with the Main and Cottage Collections. TMG received the Reserve Study Report for both the Main and Cottage Collections by Reserve Funding.

IV. Committee Report

  • Social Committee – Lisa Walker reported:
    • Very successful July 4th. Furnished about 750 hot dogs. Next social will be National Night out in August. Tables will not be furnished. Food may not be furnished. The other social will be in December for the Holiday Lighting contest.
  • Neighborhood Watch – Lisa Walker reported:
    • (see “Social Committee/Newsletter)
  • Newsletter – Lisa Walker reported:
  • Landscape – Tom Wilkinson reported:
    • Phase 1 triangle ground cover continues – 17 triangle areas. Previous attempts have failed. Trying a third type of ground cover. Phase 2 triangle ground cover has started which includes 45 triangles where trees, signs, street lights, etc., are located. Those areas are currently being maintained. Tom talked with John from Showplace to not maintain them and put a different ground cover there instead.
      Full aeration in common areas has been completed. John mentioned it should be done every couple years.
    • Phase 2 of Tree Removal project is starting. Last year, 74 trees came out and were replaced by approximately 12.
  • Architectural – Board reported:
    •  There is nothing pending. The official “exterior colors document” defining the color scheme of the neighborhood to be “craftsman style” colors has been approved.
  • Ad-Hoc Beaver Committee – Zen Dunaj:
    • Made significant progress. Reviewed some questions he’s received as the committee chair and provided answers to them. Tract C unhealthy – beaver feces, not much maintenance, etc. Tract U is somewhat better than Tract C. Tract T has much better water flow. All tracks have standing dead trees – looks messy/deteriorated. Even though there is much more maintenance needed, it looks much better than it was a year ago. Things out of our control: the beavers and the increase of water. The water increase continues – even in the summer. Recommendations to continue removing the beavers and their dams. Bud Weaver apparently has had traps there for 3 months. He claims to have caught only one beaver. Beaver trap signs were defaced by proponents who claim cruelty to animals.

V. Management Report


  • Homeowner Correspondence:
    • Board reviewed a list of correspondences from homeowners – many of which were informational only.


  • Delinquency Report/Collection Update:
    • Not much change

VI. Repairs and Maintenance

  • Landscape Enhancements
    • Main HOA:
      Landscaping: Plant and Arborvitae $6000. Trees: renovation/removal/trimming $2500.
      Cottage Collection:
      Bark Dust: replace $13780. Tree pruning: older $1045. Trees: removal/trimming $11350.

VII. Unfinished Business

  • Beaver Monitoring Update
    • Already discussed with Zen. Zen and Ken should not be out there doing the maintenance. HOA should hire a contractor to do the labor. Board needs to discuss how much to budget for this in 2015. Zen to provide the board with a rough guesses on a budget amount.
  • Tree Removal Phase Two
    • On schedule – moving into fall. Sending out opt-out notifications.
  • Foot Bridge Maintenance
    • Several proposals have been presented. We are at a stand-still at this point. Board will collect more bids.

VII. New Business

  • 2015 Reserve Study
    • Not discussed in detail.
  • 2015 Budget
    • Not discussed in detail.
  • Landscape Contract Renewal
    • Showplace has not increased contract for past 5 years. The Streetscape contract would increase to $732 and Cottage Collection would increase $2100 annually. Motion to approve contract renewal with Showplace Landscaping. Motion seconded and carried.

IX. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at 8:06pm

Special 2015 Budget Meeting

A special meeting has been added to the HOA calendar to review the budget for 2015 prior to the Annual Meeting.

The meeting will be held at the Avamere Retirement Center, 3rd Floor Conference Room @ 6:30

Tuesday September 23rd 2014.

Minutes April 2014

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.  If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.


Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for April 22nd, 2014

Homeowner Input

  • Brian Smith: Gold Canyon Rd rock wall climbing concern. Juvenile drug use, pet waste not properly being disposed on path. Requesting HOA help, possible signage. HOA owns liability.
  • Lisa Yates: Oak Creek Dr. house becoming eye sore. Home possibly has cracked foundation. Concern about the salability. Concern of traffic coming/going. Also concern on Oak Creek/Arizona retaining wall being dug up. Concerns of landscaping of other homes. Board requested addresses.
  • Home Owner concerned with neighbor disposing cigarette butts on their side of the property. Board suggested working directly with the homeowner. If persisting, Board can send “friendly reminder”. Washington Co offers free mediator neighbor-to-neighbor disputes.
  • Home Owner on Emerald Canyon: Comcast utility box/shrub issue. Security concern with gap that has been left. Bus stop near location increases concern. Asking HOA for protection/support. Possibly alter the fencing. Board asked homeowner to get fencing contractor quotes.
  • Homeowner concerned with street parking. Board asked homeowner to report illegal parking. Other concern with landscaping in the cottage homes – shoddy work.

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 7:07 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • January 20, 2014 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously. Motion carried.

III. Treasure’s Report

  • Lynda DuLong and Yong-Feng gave the following report – We are trending on track with all budget categories with the Main and Cottage Collections.

IV. Committee Report

  • Social Committee – Lisa Walker reported:
    • Easter Egg Hunt was a success. Was on budget and had over 2000 eggs. Looking to put a newsletter together. Asking board/committee members to contribute to it. Newsletter to include approved paint pallet for home exterior.
  • Neighborhood Watch – Lisa Walker reported:
    • We currently have 48 street captains. Using email to correspond to homeowners. National Night Out is happening in August.
  • Newsletter – Lisa Walker reported:
  • Landscape – Tom Wilkinson reported:
    •  Busy year. Tree project will be a net positive. Showplace cleaning up areas, 17 triangle areas. Tom also has the Comcast issue. Addressing the lawns, Showplace suggesting aerating, reseeding. Triangle areas with no grass will be cleaned up. 52 areas with little grass will be converted to nice ground cover. Soil and reseed around sign areas. More trees with better root structure coming in the fall. Motion to approve $2256 for Showplace to do this additional maintenance. Motion carried.
      Mary had concern with landscaping by new crosswalk at Oak Creek and West Union. Board to investigate.
  • Architectural – Board reported:
    •  There is nothing pending.
  • Ad-Hoc Beaver Committee – Zen Dunaj:
    • More relaxed with beaver dam area. Area is naturally growing back. Bud Weaver stated he caught two beavers. Zen saw three beavers in the pond. He hasn’t seen any equipment. Area is under control right now though. Lisa mentioned that John would be planting about four trees back into the area.

V. Management Report


  • Board reviewed a list of correspondences from homeowners – many of which were informational only. There were several requests from homeowners to waive late fees and/or interest. In an effort to be consistent, the board declined waiving any fees for homeowners who are not present to the meeting.


  • Not much change.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • Private Tracts Seal Coat, Walkway repaired along wetland.
  • White Fence Cleaning, White fence cleaning bid of $4500 but doesn’t include water. Another bid from Snugs Pro Wash of $4964.40 which includes water. Motion to use Snugs Pro Wash bid. Motion carried.

VI. New Business

  • 2015 Reserve Study
    Motion to approve $550 for Master and $450 for Cottage for 2015 Reserve Study. Motion carried.
  • 2015 Budget
    Not discussed.
  • Other
  • Motion to approve resolution on approved home colors in neighborhood. Motion carried. (Referenced article that board can enforce this: Architectural Construction Standard Covenants: Exterior Materials 16 & Exterior Finish 17. Architectural Control Committee B1.)
  • Motion to approve foot bridge repair for $975. Motion was tabled.

VII. Unfinished Business

  • Bus Stop Modification
    Topic tabled.
  • Tree Removal Phase 2
    Not discussed.

VIII. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at 8:09 PM

Minutes January 2014

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.  If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.


Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for January 20th, 2014

Homeowner Input

Kathy: dog feces have been found along Laidlaw. Suggesting the HOA purchase 4+ temporary “push-in”
signs. Also would like to see rocks put around bus stop areas (approximately four areas) because the
grass turf is getting worn down.

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 7:03 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • November 19, 2013 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously.  Motion carried.

III. Treasure’s Report

  • Lynda DuLong gave the following report – There are no financials due to year end. Lynda gave a quick snapshot of our current financials.

IV. Committee Report

  • Social Committee – Lisa Walker reported:
    • Lisa Walker gave the following report:
    • Looking for volunteers to help out with the Easter Egg Hunt.
    • Lisa motioned we approve a budget of $750 for the Easter Egg Hunt (includes eggs, candy,
      raffle prizes, crafts, etc.). Motion carried.
  • Neighborhood Watch – Lisa Walker reported:
    • Nothing new to report.
  • Newsletter – Lisa Walker reported:
  • Landscape – Tom Wilkinson reported:
    •   Cold weather killed 17 triangle ground cover areas. Hoping the warm weather will bring them
    • Grass restoration and root grinding in summer time. Suggesting we put in bark mulch in
      areas that don’t take grass well. Consider doing things differently instead of continuing the
      status quo.
    • Requesting we create two landscape committee groups: one for the classic homes and one
      for the cottage homes. Kathy volunteered to be a part of the classic homes. Also suggested
      Mike Farris be part of that committee group.
    • Trees need to be pruned. Kathy reported a tree down by the park and gazebo
  • Architectural – Board reported:
    •  There is nothing pending.
  • Ad-Hoc Beaver Committee – Zen Dunaj:
    • We haven’t had much rain and more debris was removed so water level remained low. Water
      around Jeff’s house has also remained low. Zen proactively has been removing dams. Waiting for
      weather to get warmer to see how active the beavers will be. Zen is concerned that if we don’t
      remove the beavers, we will be spending more money to maintain the area. Bud Weaver will
      place his own signs up to warn homeowners of live traps in the area. There is a concern with
      what the signs will say to warn homeowners about live traps. Zen will ask Bud what his signs say.
    • Zen suggests we wait on planting trees for at least six months. Ken will go over to the bridge bordering Avamere and take a look at that dam to see if there is some additional work we can do
      to keep water flowing at that end.

V. Management Report


  • Homeowner on Tucson with trellis – HOA will grant an extension
  • Homeowner concerned with ShowPlace blowing leaves up toward the garage. Homeowner
    met with John at ShowPlace and worked out his concerned. Homeowner appears to be
    happy with the outcome.
  • Lynda talked about a neighbor-to-neighbor dispute regarding trash cans.
  • Engineering report: engineer says rock wall is ok. Engineer said that sudden water level
    drops could potentially erode the wall, but stagnant water against the wall should be ok.
    There are some areas which may need to be maintained. Overall, the integrity of the wall is
    fine. The engineer mentioned a concern with homeowners placing heavy objects (hot tubs,
    etc.) by the rock wall. We may consider having the homeowner(s)
  • White fence needs maintenance due to the moss. Lynda to collect bids from companies to
    clean them.
  • Work-Plan calendar has been created and the desire for it to be more visible on the website.


Repairs and Maintenance

VI. New Business

  • No new business was discussed.

VII. Unfinished Business

  • No new business was discussed.

VIII. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at 8:00 PM

Minutes November 2013

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.  If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.


Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for November 19th, 2013

Homeowner Input

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:34 pm
  • Introductions

II. Meeting Minutes

  • September 24, 2013 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously. Motion carried.

III. Treasure’s Report

  • Lynda DuLong (TMG) reviewed the financials with Zen Dunaj (Director) and Yong-Feng Yang (Treasurer). Yong-Feng had nothing to add. Linda mentioned that there are funds to spend on landscaping needs. She also added that the delinquency report looks much better.

IV. Committee Report

  • Social Committee – Lisa Walker reported:
    • The Social Committee is responsible for serving hot dogs (700) during the July 4th party, National Night Out happening on the first Tues of August and interfacing with the Charlais HOA, the Holiday lighting party taking place December 14-21st where monetary prizes of $100, $75, and $50 are awarded, and the Easter Egg Hunt happening on the Saturday prior to Easter Sunday.
  • Neighborhood Watch – Lisa Walker reported:
    • There was an issue with some juveniles loitering and/or possibly involved in some illegal activity. Homeowners were attentive and called the authorities to take care of the situation.
    • The Neighborhood Watch program consists of 47 street captains and many more on the email list. Lisa will maintain that list.

  • Landscape – Tom Wilkinson reported:
    • Tree project is in action phase. There have been twelve new trees planted and spread out. He is pleased with the overall look. Some tree removals look better than before.
    • There are three triangle areas where they are testing a low maintenance ground cover. There are a total of 17 that will be done this way.
    • There are new landscaping members and he would like to meet with them to discuss future plans for the committee.
  • Architectural – Board reported:
    • This report was skipped. However, Mary Davidson mentioned that she noticed Showplace adding a tree to a homeowners yard (not on the parking strip) in the Cottage Collection on Arizona. It was noted that we may want to follow up with John @ Showplace or the homeowner to verify the nature of the work performed.

V. Management Report


  • Homeowner Correspondence (please see management report on file, for additional information).  Homeowner correspondences were discussed regarding waived yard maintenance reminders, and overdue dues.  It was discussed, that homeowners that wish to have a fine waived are asked to present themselves in front of the board in person to discuss further.
    • Owner present at meeting asked to reconsider the denied request of their shutters and door color. Owner contended that other home owners have bright colored doors and that their original door color was a bright blue. Board asked her to retrieve a photograph of their home having the original door color as evidence for consideration.

    • Owner present at meeting asked for late fees, interest, intent to lien fees, and lien be waived. Board motioned a one-time removal of soft charges (late fees, interest). Motioned and seconded. Motion Carried.


  • Delinquency report discussed in detail

Repairs and Maintenance

VI. New Business

  • Mike Farris mentioned that the website fees are coming soon.
  • Lynda DuLong mentioned there is a trip hazard on Laidlaw.
  • Lynda also mentioned a home owner is repairing a trip hazard in front of their home on Arizona. The tree causing the pavement to rise is NOT on the list of trees Davey recommends for removal. Board discussed the idea of cutting the roots for the homeowner. Home owner wants to replace the tree. Board motioned to have the tree removed after Tom Wilkinson reviews and approves the work, not to exceed $300. Motioned and seconded. Motion carried.

VII. Unfinished Business

    • Beaver Response/Charter Steps
      • The committee is pleased with the board approving the budget of $7000 to remove the beaver dams. Of that amount, approximately $5300 has been used and there is more beaver activity. Committees thoughts:
      • the water level needs to go down more
      • committee wants to ensure there is a plan in place to maintain the water level so that it remains at healthy levels
      • committee recommends we cut the dams deeper and wider
      • on Laidlaw and 174th, the beavers didn’t rebuild for some reason
      • Board motioned to have the existing gap in the dam by Zen Dunaj’s house widened even further and to also work with Fish and Wildlife to trap beavers in that area and by the park. Motioned and seconded. Motion carried. Zen Dunaj will be taking the lead on this, working with Bud from Fish and Wildlife and John from Showplace.
    • Engineering Report
      • Lynda DuLong reviewed rock wall with engineering firm. The engineer advice and observations:- soil tests would probably be a waste of time
      • shouldn’t allow the water level to drop dramatically
      • some trees dying
      • Rock wall and pavement eroding in places
      • May want to review original engineering report to see how it was constructed
      • Home owner created their own retaining wall which might put large retaining wall in jeopardy. May need to follow up with the home owner.
      • Drain pipes should be kept clean. Work with John @ Showplace to ensure that.

VIII. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at 8:02pm

January Meeting Date Change

The January Home Owners Association Meeting has changed for January from Tuesday January 21st to Monday January 20th.  Time is still 6:30pm and at the Avamere @ Bethany Center.

Minutes September 2013

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.  If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.


Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for September 24th, 2013

Homeowner Input

  • None

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:35 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • May 21, 2013 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously.
  • Special Board Meeting Minutes for the meeting held on September 17, 2013, are still under review by the
    Board and pending approval.

III. Treasure’s Report

  • Mike Farris, Treasurer, and Lynda DuLong (TMG) gave an overview and review of 2014 preliminary budgets for the Masters and The Cottages. We then move forward with discussing a plan of our organizational goals in terms of specific financial and operating objectives.  Please see VI. New Business 1. 2014 Reserve Study and 2. 2014 Budget below.

IV. Committee Report

  • Social Events/Neighborhood Watch/Newsletter – Lisa Walker reported:
    • The Neighborhood Watch is still going strong with special current focus on providing continued crime alerts and educational materials from the Washington CountySherriff’s Department.
    • The Social Committee: The last event of the year is going to be The Holiday Lighting Contest in the month of Dec.2013.
    • Newsletter: A newsletter will be prepared to be sent out in the month of October, prior to the Annual Meeting, October 22, 2013.
    • Aditya Kapoor reported that the Arbor Ridge Facebook is now open to the public.
  • Landscape – Tom Wilkinson reported:
    • Tom Wilkinson, reported the first phase of the tree removal project is complete. It was a clean job, and walk through and defining of the replanting of trees identified and confirmed. At least 10 sites where a tree need a replacement. A discussion took place on the operating replacement of monies needed. There are 17 triangle spaces that will require ground cover. Please note: a review of for Arbor Ridge Tree Replacement Options/City of Portland Tree list can be reviewed at:
    • It was also reported that the general landscaping, the tree lines on Laidlaw are hanging low, and need to be pruned to the compliance of hanging 8 feet up. Lynda DuLong reported that funds are available to manage the pruning by Showplace Landscaping.

  • Architectural – Board reported:
    • It was noted that the ARC Committee is being managed by the Board for current and future reviews, and no other updates made at the meeting.
  • Ad-Hoc Beaver Committee – Zen Dunaj:
    • A follow-up review on status can be reviewed from the meeting on September 24, 2013 unapproved meeting notes. Things still pending in communications to Clean Water Services and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.

V. Management Report


  • Homeowner Correspondence (please see management report on file, for additional information).  Homeowner correspondences were discussed regarding waived yard maintenance reminders, and overdue dues.  It was discussed, that homeowners that wish to have a fine waived are asked to present themselves in front of the board in person to discuss further.
    • a. Owner present at meeting, and asked for a review to violation for yard maintenance and is requesting the fine in the amount of $75.00 be waived. Board Motioned to have the situation corrected, and a one-time waiver to occur. Motioned and seconded. Motion Carried.
    • b. Make noted, owner not present. Written request – Board Motioned denied. Motioned and seconded. Motion Carried.
    • c. Owner present at meeting, Owner submitted a response to a violation for landscape maintenance. Board Motioned a one-time removal of fine. Motioned and seconded. Motion Carried.
    • d. Make noted, owner not present. Owner submitted for a response to a violation of a garage door and storm door improvement with no ARC approval. Board Motioned by email, an approval. Motioned and seconded. Motion Carried.
    • e. Owner present at meeting, and asked the fine be waived. Mail was not being received, and discussion took place of the importance of notifying TMG of mailing address when tenants are residing. Board Motioned soft cost charge to be waived. Motioned and seconded. Motion Carried.
    • f. Owner present at meeting. Board asked for additional history on file.
    • g. Owner present at meeting: Owner asked that fines be reversed for Hose and garbage receptacle been left out. Board Motioned that the fine be waived for the Hose only. Motioned and seconded. Motion Carried.


  • Delinquency report discussed in detail and recommended advisement of protocol in maintaining collections took place.
    • A Motion to transfer bad debt and sharing the cottage collection (amount on record: $ 2,854.50) to main account. Motioned and seconded. Motion Carried.
  • 2. 2012 Financial Statement – IHDE CPA performed the 2012 Financial Statement.  This report is an overview of the financial statements.  Association events and transactions for recognition and disclosure through June 2013.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • N/A

VI. New Business

  • Reserve Study 2014:  Reserve studies Funding prepared the 2014 Reserve Study.  The Cottage collection expenditures for 2014 include:  bark dusting, tree pruning, and tree removal.  The annual contribution for the Cottage Collection (Arbor No. 2) is $15,402.00.  This is an increase of $435.00.  The Master Expenditures for 2014 include:  concrete/curb work, landscaping, tree renovations, and retaining walls.  The annual contribution amount for the Master is $30,438.00.  This is an increase of $2,118.00.
  • 2014 Budget – Board reviewed and finalized the 2014 “Draft” Budget.  Board discussed an increase in the 2014 main Association assessments to increase to $260.00 to cover operating expenses. ** Motion made, and seconded.  Motion Carried.
    • Discussion of the following took place:  $3,500.00 for contingency, $1,500.00 for Social Committee events, $22,000.00 for Water expenditures and $5,000.00 for office supplies, inclusive of stamps.  Balance Budget will be in place for the Main Collection.
  • Discussion on if the Cottage collection assessments to stay the same?  To be proactive in managing operational expenses in the future.  It was motioned a need to increase the assessment by $10.00 annually to cover an offset of expenditures for the Tree Removal Project.  Motion made, and seconded.  Motion Carried.

VII. Unfinished Business

  • Cottage Collection Tree Plan Update – Clay Erway, Arborist with Davey Tree Company, will be completed with the tree removal by the end of week.  Over all, Management received no complaints.  The Board and Landscape Committee Members may want to discuss setting up a landscape walk to review areas for tree replacement, pruning, and enhancements in the Cottage Collection.
  • Beaver Response/Charter Steps – As stated above, Board met with the Ad-Hoc Committee Members on Tuesday, September 17, 2013 to discuss an outline for the Beaver Response Ad-Hoc Committee, along with the Charter and next steps.  There is an information gathering taking place on the easement for CWS, and Tract “T” information and updates will be forwarded to the Board as received for review.

VIII. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at 8:59 pm

Annual Meeting Minutes 2012

Approved Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association Annual Meeting October 23rd 2012

These minutes were approved by the home owners in attendance at the Annual Meeting 10/22/2013

Attendance: Mike F., Mike F., Lisa W., Dave C., Adita K., Todd B., and Lynda D. from TMG

I. Call To Order

6:35 pm

II. Proof Of Meeting

III. Establishing of Quorum

Quorum was achieved with 143+ proxies and registration

IV. Meeting Minutes

Home Owner 1 Motioned to approve the Minutes for the 2011 Annual Meeting, Home Owner 2 seconded the motion. Annual Meeting Minutes for 2011 are approved.

V. Presidents Report

Mike Foster facilitated the meeting and reported to the Home Owners a review of the year of 2012. Special focus was placed upon the Neighborhood Watch program, Tree Project (Davey Report) plan and committees involvement.
A review and approval of the 2013 budget (motioned first and then seconded)
Nomination from the floor took place.
Election of Board Members took place.
Special recognition’s and certificates of appreciation were given.

VI. Adjourment

8:24 pm