Minutes June 2023

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting. For Example – Meeting on Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site. If the next meeting was Feb 1st, then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge P.U.D Homeowners Association
Board of
Directors Meeting

Tuesday, June 29, 2023, 6:30 PM
(Meeting held via Video Conference)


6:34 pm

  1. Bid Reviews for Common Reserve Fund Projects
    1. Remove NW Laidlaw dead trees
      • Postponed for July meeting pending receipt of more proposals for consideration
    2. Mail boxes – clean all community mailboxes serving all Arbor Ridge homes
      • Showplace proposal #24554 of $1439.84 only accounts for the Cottage Collection, which comprises 21 mailboxes. The Board would like all mailboxes in the Arbor Ridge Community be cleaned by Showplace; this would include an additional 21 mailboxes in the Main Collection.
      • Motion to approve $2879.68 (double the original proposal amount) from the Main Reserve fund: motion approved.
    3. Signs – Arbor Ridge entrance monument – Clean & Maintain
      • Motion to approve Showplace proposal #24555 of $338.83 from the Main Reserve fund: motion approved.
    4. Asphalt repairs – pedestrian walkway (wetlands/Laidlaw)
      • Postponed for July meeting pending receipt of more proposals for consideration
    5. Street repairs – asphalt sealcoat NW Silver Creek Place
      • Postponed for July meeting pending receipt of  more proposals for consideration
    6. Wash – 3 Rail White Fence (NW Laidlaw/NW West Union Rd) 
      • Motion to approve Showplace proposal #24560 of $5759.32 from the Main Reserve fund: motion approved.
    7. Barkdust for NW Laidlaw
      • Motion to approve Showplace proposal #24564 of $2488.26 from the Main Reserve fund: motion approved.

III. Bid Reviews for Cottage Reserve Fund Projects

    1. Arborist Tree Work: Tree Removal
      • Board would like to add an additional tree to the list, located at 16836 NW Greyhawk Dr.
      • Postponed for July meeting pending receipt of  more proposals for consideration
    2. Arborist Tree Work: Tree Pruning
      • Postponed for July meeting pending receipt of  more proposals for consideration

IV. Homeowner correspondence

Board listened to concerns and feedback from the community and will take appropriate action.




Minutes April 2023

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting. For Example – Meeting on Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site. If the next meeting was Feb 1st, then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge P.U.D Homeowners Association
Directors Meeting

Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 6:30 PM

(Meeting held via Video Conference)



6:30 pm


    1. Delinquency Report
      • Reviewed current delinquent accounts and no action taken from the board.
    2. Collection Update from Collection Attorney
      • Discussed account ID# 0557 and heard a proposal from the attorney.
    3. Motion to leave executive session – approved.


Motion to have VF pursue foreclosure on account ID# 0557 – approved.


Motion to approve minutes for board meeting occurring on Tuesday January 24, 2023 – approved.



  1. Balance Sheet
    • Briefly discussed – budgets appear healthy.


  1. Reviewed homeowner request to remove street tree. Board decision to take no action was made.
    • Motion to request Livability Committee to build a proposal outlining standardized guidelines, criteria and thresholds that must be met to take action on tree removal/replacement within the Cottage Collection – approved.


    1. Request for Showplace Services – Beaver Dam Mitigation, Blackberry Removal
      • Motion to approve four Showplace proposals totaling $11,575 – approved. Details below: 
        1. Proposal 22536: Moss/cranefly for $1900 (ARHA)
        2. Proposal 22538: Moss/cranefly for $3275 (ARCC)
        3. Proposal 22539: Aeration/spot reseed for $2050 (ARHA)
        4. Proposal 22540: Aeration/spot reseed for $4350 (ARCC)
      • Motion to approve Showplace proposal to remove blackberry and other brush along fence lines of NW Mesa View Ln, NW Tucson St, and NW Talkingstick Way not to exceed $1600 – approved.
      • AMS to continue pursuing bids to address the beaver dam.
      • Motion to approve the work to remove the beaver dam by the bridge that connects NW Arizona Dr and NW 169th Ave, not to exceed $1500 – approved.
    2. ARC Report
      • Motion to ratify ARC Requests – approved.
    3. Livability Committee – Formation (Committee Purpose to Educate Homeowners and Provide Ideas for Compliance Enforcement)
        1. The committee’s main concern/focus revolves around the landscape of the community, ensuring uniformity, garbage can concerns, hedges, arborvitae, etc.
        2. Committee recommends employing a third party firm to come up with possible solutions to the dying arborvitae around the whole community.
        3. Board recommended the committee to come up with proposals and bring them to the next board meeting.
    4. Social/Community Event – Ice Cream Social
      • Motion to approve $500 for an ice cream social to be organized by Mary and Kay – approved.
    5. Requested Reserve Proposals – Board Review
      • Motion to proceed with Reserve projects – approved.   AMS to provide regular status reports on collection of bids.  New Board meeting will be held to review bids.


    1. Landscaping
      • Showplace Proposal
      • Pacific Landscape Proposal
      • As requested from the previous board meeting, the Board recognized there were not enough bids obtained by AMS to make any decisions.
      • Motion to have AMS obtain another quote on top of the two we currently have – approved.
    2. HB-2534 Update
      • Form has been notarized and uploaded.
    3. 2023 Maintenance Walk
      • Poor spring weather has delayed this. Board will organize a time to complete this in the near future.
    4. Sidewalk Repairs – Tree Removal Impact
      • Board discussed impact and specific instances within the community. No action from the Board was taken at this time. AMS will review CC&R’s, community guidelines, Washington County policies, etc. and inform homeowners to possibly replace the tree and/or repair the sidewalks.
    5. Weekly Trash Bin Compliance Enforcement – March/April Update, Compliance Services – May
        1. Board discussed this issue at length. AMS detailed the current process: first violation is a friendly reminder, second violation is a “notice to correct” where the homeowner has 14 days to request a board hearing, and third violation results in a fine.
        2. AMS performed a compliance check in the beginning of March and noted approximately 67 violations but failed to process them, of which the HOA will not be charged. A second compliance check occurred in early April where approximately 50 violations of visible trash cans were reported and processed, of which only a handful of those resulted in fines.
        3. Board members requested AMS to pause on the third compliance check due to garbage pickup dates changing across the community.  Board members reported the new trash day is Monday so AMS can continue checks on Wednesdays. 
        4. Board moved to table the topic for now. Joe and Kay to discuss forming a compliance committee to handle this situation with systematic regular monitoring and reporting.  Previously, Arbor Ridge had such a monitoring/reporting group.


  1. Homeowner discussed wild roses along the rock wall pathway toward 174th Ave. Also discussed concerns with the future land development occurring in the lot west of NW 174th Ave. Board recommended the homeowner to talk with neighbors near the area.
  2. Homeowner shared the same concerns with the same newly announced building development. They also brought up concerns with street trees, sidewalks, and water usage. Board recommended they send their concerns to AMS for the board to review, investigate and take action on.
  3. Homeowner concerned with sidewalk repairs and was requesting a referral. A recommendation was given.




Minutes January 2023

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.
If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge P.U.D Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 6:30 PM

(Meeting held via Video Conference)



6:30 pm


September 27th, 2022 & December 13th, 2022 – APPROVED



  1. Balance Sheet
    1. Briefly discussed – looks good.
  2. Delinquency Report
    1. Board tabled discussion for a later date.
  3. Collection Update from Collection Attorney
    1. Board tabled discussion for a later date.



  1. Arbor Ridge Zoom Account
    1. Dedicated account for HOA meetings ($14.99/mo)
  2. Sidewalk Repairs
    1. Motion for AMS to take action on a reported sidewalk problem – APPROVED
  3. Graffiti Cleanup
    1. Cost approx $350. Will be performed in the near future.
  4. 2023 Maintenance Walk
    1. AMS to arrange a time to perform a maintenance walk around the neighborhood in March 2023. AMS will send out a reminder to homeowners beforehand.
  5. Additional Compliance Services
    1. Discussion on trash can issues. Motion for AMS to institute a Friday garbage/recycle bin compliance walk once a month for February and March, at the cost of $500/mo, with potential additional fees for letters, etc. (NOTE: This would be in addition to the scheduled May, July, September, November compliance walks) – APPROVED
    2. Proposal to move the scheduled November compliance walk to March, which would result in March, May, July and September compliance walks.
  6. Landscaping
    1. Showplace Landscape: Arborvitae Replacement
      1. Motion to approve arborvitae replacement (Proposal 21329)  totaling $2904, to be paid from Main Reserve – APPROVED
    2. Pacific Landscape: Inquiry RE: Proposal for Services
      1. AMS to request a bid from Pacific Landscape, Showplace, and a third vendor.
  7. ARC Report
    1. Motion to ratify the ARC decisions to date – APPROVED
  8. HB-2534 Update
    1. AMS to work with Board members to get compliance certificate signed, notarized, and recorded with Washington County.



Motion to form The Livability Committee, with a mission to help educate homeowners and provide ideas for compliance enforcement – APPROVED


8:18 pm


Minutes December 2022

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.
If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge P.U.D Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, December 13, 2022, 6:30 PM

(Meeting held via Video Conference)



6:44 pm


President: Joe Lopez (term: 2020-2023)

Vice President: Kay Syravong (term: 2021-2024)

Treasurer: Mike Farris (term: 2021-2024)

Secretary: Todd Behunin (term: 2020-2023)

Directors at Large: 

    • Jenny Krems (term: 2020-2023)
    • Daryl Stewman (term 2023-2025)
    • Mary Marek Johnson (term 2023-2025)


6:56 pm

Minutes September 2022

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.
If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge P.U.D. Homeowners Association

Board of Directors Board Meeting –Rescheduled – September 27, 2022, 6:30 PM


I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:32 p.m.

II. APPROVED MINUTES – July 20, 2022 HOA Board Meeting



  1. Balance Sheet – briefly discussed
  2. Delinquency Report, Bad Debt
    Approved motion to write off as Bad Debt ID 0460 – NW Oak Creek Drive
    $5,456.51 split between Cottage and Main budgets
    Approved motion to write off as Bad Debt ID 0311 – NW Talkingstick Way
    $125.04 charge to Main Budget
  3. Collection / HB 2534 Update from Collection Attorney – information only



  1. ARC Report – Approved motion to ratify the list of ARC approvals


  1. 2023 Draft Budget
    • Motion adopted to approve the proposed Main 2023 Budget
    • Motion adopted to approve the proposed Cottage 2023 Budget
  2. Fine and Enforcement Draft Resolution – no action taken since this was approved at the July 20, 2022 HOA Board Meeting


Homeowner is requesting HOA/Showplace landscape maintenance of arborvitae in Cottage home backyards along the walkway. Also, they are concerned about trimming of arborvitae along the white fence. Board mentioned there is a Showplace maintenance schedule online. There will be Board member follow up on the issue.



Minutes July 2022

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.
If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for July 20, 2022

Online Meeting – See Email Communication from AMS


6:33 pm


April 20, 2022 – approved



Board briefly discussed the Balance Sheet, Delinquency Report, and Collection Update from Collection Attorney.

AMS recommends the Association work with counsel to review all governing documents to ensure documents are in compliance with HB 2534. Motion to retain Eike Law to review all governing documents, and provide necessary updates, at a flat rate of $2250 to ensure documents are in compliance with HB 2534. Motion passed with 4 votes in favor and 1 abstention.

  1. Item A – Waiver of Fine: Board heard from homeowner who was present. Motion to approve one-time waiver of $101.39. Motion passed.
  2. Item B – Replacement of Common Area Arborvitaes: Reviewed homeowner correspondence. No actions taken.
  1. ARC Report
    1. Motion to approve and ratify ARC Reports – approved.
  2. Draft 2023 Budget
    1. Reviewed 2023 budget. No actions taken.
  1. Removal of white fencing along NW West Union
    1. Board reviewed homeowner feedback and continued discussions. No actions taken.
  2. Trash/garbage and recycling bins Resolution
    1. Motion to adopt trash/garbage and recycling bin policy. Motion approved contingent upon AMS review of Resolution.
  1. Fine and Enforcement draft Resolution
    1. Motion to approve Fine and Enforcement draft Resolution  updates. Motion approved contingent upon AMS review of Resolution.
  2. 2023 Reserve Study
    1. Board briefly discussed 2023 Reserve Study. No actions taken. Board moved to table further discussions – date to be determined later.


Board discussed how parking is becoming more and more problematic. AMS mentioned Washington County will be replacing parking signage that have faded over time. Board to consider putting together a parking draft resolution in the future.


8:10 pm


Minutes April 2022

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.
If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for April 20, 2022

Meeting held via Video Conference

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:30 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • January 26, 2022 – approved

III. Management Report


    • Board briefly discussed the Balance Sheet, Delinquency Report, and Collection Update from Collection Attorney. No actions taken.


    1. Item A: Board heard from the homeowner who was present. Board denied the waiver fee request of $75.
    2. Item C: Board reviewed homeowner request for tree removal. Tree is not HOA responsibility but instead a responsibility of the homeowner.
    3. Item D: Board denied the waiver request of $40 demand fee.
    4. Item C and H: Board discussed the current trash can policy and will prepare a resolution to make the policy more specific.

V. New Business

    1. Sidewalk Repairs Common Area
      • Board approved trip hazard removal bid of $3028.88, funded via Main Reserve.
    2. Showplace Landscape – Open Proposals
      • Bark dust (Proposal #17472):
        • Board approved expense of $14338.03 (front yard only), funded via Cottage Reserve.
      • Drip line 3-year phase Proposal:
        • Board moved to lock in the price, accelerate the project, if possible, and approved the full 3-year expense of $13380, funded via Main Reserve.
        • AMS to inspect and ensure the project is completed.
      • Lawn Enhancement park area (Proposal #17473):
        • Board approved expense of $362.39, funded via Main operating.
      • Drainage Palmbrook/West Union (Proposal #17458):
        • Board approved expense of $1066.38, funded via Cottage operating.
      • Turf removal, ground cover installation (Proposal #17474):
        • No decision was made.
      • Lawn Repair on NW Moon Valley Ter (Proposal #17630):
        • Board approved expense of $156.32, funded via Cottage operating.
        • Reminder for AMS to provide pictures prior to meetings.
      • Showplace contract renewal for Cottage and Main, starting May 1st:
        • Board approved Cottage Collection increase to $7168 (from $6951).
        • Board approved Main Collection increase to $3094 (from $2930).
      • White fencing along West Union
        • AMS will send an email to homeowners notifying them of the HOA Board’s intent to consider at its July 20, 2022 meeting a proposal for removing the white fence along West Union, to gauge interest and collect feedback. Email will contain a map showing location of the fence removal and photos of the current fence condition.
        • 2023 Reserve Study
          • Not discussed
          • AMS to put on agenda for next meeting.
      • ARC Report
        • Motion to approve and ratify the ARC Reports – approved.

VI. Unfinished Business

VII. Open Forum

VIII. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at: 8:02 pm


Minutes January 2022

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.
If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for January 26, 2022

Meeting held via Video Conference

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:33 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • September 7, 2021 – approved
  • December 7, 2021 – approved with revisions to reflect correct terms

III. Financial

  • Collection Update from Collection Attorney – AMS will get status reports from
    Collection Attorneys

IV. Home Owner Correspondence/Request

  • 17268 NW Lapaloma Lane request waiver of fees and fines – approved $75 waiver
  • 17295 NW Gold Canyon Lane contesting violation for lawn maintenance. – Board noted improved lawn maintenance.
  • 17349 NW Camelback Lane is requesting $75 waiver relating to lawn maintenance – approved $75 waiver and no ARC needed for adding rocks

V. New Business

  • Sidewalk Repair Common Area – approved Kreutz $1,825 Laidlaw sidewalk
    repair and approved $1,775 Savatree/NW Tree Specialists Laidlaw tree
    removal – Main Operating Fund


  • The Board approved these Showplace proposals:
    a. Dead plant replacement: $3,359 Cottage Operating
    b. Lawn repair 16694 NW Desert Canyon: $184.13 – Cottage Operating Fund
    c. Landscape repair from tree removal at Oak Creek/Palmbrook: $433.28 –
    Cottage Operating Fund
    d. Structural clearance pruning: $1,907.90- Cottage Operating Fund
    e. Lawn repair at 16765 NW Greyhawk Dr: $489.88 – Cottage Operating Fund
    f. 2021 Beaver Dam dismantle: $1,204.73 – Main Operating Fund (ratified)


  • Washington County Permit of Entry – Approved

VI. Open Forum

  • AM/Showplace to followup with homeowner on landscape issue

VII. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at: 7:50 pm


Minutes December 2021

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.
If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for December 7, 2021

Meeting held via Video Conference

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:35 pm


  • President – Joe Lopez (term through 2024)
  • Vice President – Kay Syravong (term through 2025)
  • Treasurer – Mike Farris – (term through 2025)
  • Secretary – Todd Behunin (term through 2024)
  • Director at Large (Position 1) – Daryl Stewman (term through 2022)
  • Director at Large (Position 2) – Jenny Krems (term through 2024)


  • Deferred

VI. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at: 6:55 pm


Minutes September 2021

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.
If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for September 7, 2021

Virtual Hosted via GoTo Meeting

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:30 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • July 27, 2021 – Motion to approve minutes – passed

III. Management Report



IV. New Business

    1. Cottage Tree Pruning for Visibility and for Building, Sidewalk, and Driveway Clearance – $2500
      Motion to approve maintenance listed above for $2500 – passed
    2. Commons Tree Thinning and Lifting – $1995
      Motion to approve maintenance listed above for $1995 – passed

V. Unfinished Business

    1. 2022 budget
      1. Main Collection
        1. Motion to move $2000 from “Water” line (7150) and split other line items:
          1. $1000 to “Bad Debt”
          2. $1000 to “Legal – Collections costs” (7620)
        2. Cottage Collection
          1. Motion to move $1000 from “Contingencies” (5399) to “Water” (7150) – passed
          2. Motion to write off all delinquent accounts that are $5.00 and under – only for the period through 8/31/2021 – passed


Heard from one homeowner about tree removal and sidewalk buckling.  It was clarified that homeowners are responsible for sidewalk repairs.


  • Call for adjournment was at: 7:45 pm