Annual Meeting 2010 Results

The Annual Meeting was Held on 11/3/2010 and a Quorum was met to hold the meeting.  Thank you to all the home owners that provided a Proxy and Showed up to the Meeting in order to meet the Quorum of Home Owners.  This was the second meeting that was held in order to meet these requirements.

Please keep in mind that it costs about $700 to send out additional mailings until we meet the quorum.

A new Board Member was elected to the Board as a result of the meeting to fill the 2010 to 2013 Term.  Please welcome Arbor Ridge Home Owner Mike Foster.

Two other positions remained open and one position was filled by appointment of the Board after the Annual Meeting by Dave Cummings.  Dave is returning to fill another term as a Board Member of a position that was not filled by any other home owner in the community.  The board will seek to appoint the final position on the board in the near future.  If any home owner is interested please let us know by emailing us or contacting Lynda Dulong at The Management Group.

Annual Meeting – Rescheduled November 3 2010

Due to the lack of the number of proxies being returned with the combination of home owners attending tonight, we were unable to complete the Annual Meeting.  The meeting has been rescheduled for Wednesday (Not Monday) November 3rd 2010 at the Somerset Christian Church.

In order to have a Board to complete the needed and required tasks of the CCR’s we need to establish a Quorum of Home Owners at the meeting and/or proxies returned providing voting rights to elect new Board Members.  Each time we do not meet the Quorum it costs you the Home Owner additional money to have a required mailing sent to each Home Owner.  The Cost is usually around $700-$800 per mailing to all 571 homes.  This includes the cost of paper, printing, mailing and time for the mailing to be processed.

Please attend the next annual meeting or you can obtain a Proxy Form here –> 2010 Oct 25th Proxy

You can scan and email it to Lynda DuLong or Fax it to 503.598.0554

Annual Meeting – Proxy Form

Home owners just a reminder that the Annual Meeting is this coming Monday Oct 25th 2010 @ 7pm at the Somerset Christian Church 16255 NW Bronson Rd, Beaverton, OR 97006.  Please arrive early to sign in so the meeting can start on time.

If you misplaced your Proxy Form and need another please download this one.

2010 Oct 25th Proxy

The Annual meeting is a great opportunity to meet the Board of Directors and the Management company that help manage the community.  If you are interested in a Board Position or would like to be a member on one of the committees this is a great place to get involved.

Agenda – Annual Meeting October 2010

Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association Annual Meeting Agenda

Monday, October 25, 2010 @ 7:00 pmSomerset Christian Church, 16255 NW Bronson Rd





  • Annual Meeting 2009



  1. Review of 2011 Budget


  1. Nominations from the Floor
  2. Election of Board Members



Annual Meeting Reminder – October 25th

Home owners just a reminder that the Annual Meeting is this coming Monday Oct 25th 2010 @ 7pm at the Somerset Christian Church 16255 NW Bronson Rd, Beaverton, OR 97006.  Please arrive early to sign in so the meeting can start on time.

Recently all Home Owners received a letter from our Management Company containing a proxy form and information on the upcoming Annual Meeting on October 25th 2010.  It is really important that if you can not attend the annual meeting that you send the proxy form back in the postage paid envelope.  Last year it took three mailings and meetings to get a quorum of Home Owners in order to move forward with day to day business.  These extra mailing cost you as Home Owners $700 per a mailing.

We would really like to see the Home Owners attend the Annual Meeting so that you can have input on the members of the Board, find out what is occurring in your neighborhood and provide feedback as an Arbor Ridge Home Owner.

If you are interested in running for a Board Position please contact Lynda Dulong at The Management Group (see the contacts page) .  We are also looking for people to be involved with the Social Committee, Neighborhood Watch Committee, Architectural Review Committee, Newsletter Committee and Landscape Committee.  Please let us know by emailing us, contacting Lynda Dulong or attending the Annual Meeting.

The Annual meeting is a great opportunity to meet the Board of Directors and the Management company that help manage the community.  If you are interested in a Board Position or would like to be a member on one of the committees this is a great place to get involved.

Newsletter September 2010

Newsletter September 2010

City By Choice

At the September 27th Board meeting a presentation was made by a group called City By Choice.  The purpose of the presentation was to inform the community about changes in the near future to the area we live in.  The scope was around a decision that has been involving Washington County, the Urban Growth Boundary and possible annexation of our area by either Beaverton, Hillsboro or Portland.

The group is also exploring the possibility of forming the area from Cedar Mill to Rock Creek into its own city.  They would like everyone take take a survey on their web site to assist in helping to decide the future of the area we live in.

They will be holding two more COMMUNITY FORUMS to share what we’ve heard and get even more input.

  1. October 19, 2010 …Oak Hills Community Church (Fireside Room) …6:00PM – 8:00PM.
  2. November 8, 2010 … Rock Creek Community Church … 6:00PM – 8:00PM.

You can learn more about them and their group on their web site.  <==Web site no longer UP

Minutes July 2010

Approved Minutes

Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association Meeting July 12th 2010

Attendance: Mike F., Cathy P., Sunil L., Aditya K., John M. , Lynda D. from TMG

Call to Order: 7:07pm

Homeowner input: There were no homeowners in attendance this evening.

Meeting Minutes: Approval of meeting minutes for Board meeting held on May 24th 2010 and Arbor Ridge HOA special meeting held June 21st 2010. Cathy P. motioned to accept both meeting minutes for May and June with no changes.

President’s report: No report for this meeting

Treasurer’s report: Lynda D. provided Sunil L. with a copy of the 2009 Financials from the CPA firm of Williamson and Associates.

Committee Reports:

ARC Committee – two applications are currently in the committee for consideration.

Social Committee – Ice cream social is scheduled for August 21st and Cathy is asking for volunteers to help divide up the work needed to get the event off and running.

Newsletter – Thoughts of designing a new newsletter and highlighting the need for more community participation and other community related topics was discussed. Also the idea of bringing some local advertising to help offset mail costs was talked about.

Landscape committee – Mary was not in attendance this evening however we did get a general report out from Carolyn B that Mary was going to contact John at Showplace about issues with the current spring work on the cottage homes. Several homes were noted having poorly trimmed bushes and shrubs by Showplace.

Also a dead tree was identified during the last walkthrough and should be removed and not replaced. Cathy P. noted that there are several trees on Laidlaw and other locations on the property that have branches drooping and broken which may cause issues with traffic and don’t have a good appearance. Also more graffiti has been noted on the property fences.

Management report –

Administration –Most issues are non-board related just reminders to homeowners.

Financial – 16904 NW Oak Creek Dr is trying to get a $75 fine removed. The Board has already motioned to keep the fine. 4185 NW Chapparral Tr. Will be waved since this is a first time fine. And the homeowner has taken care of the issue.

Repairs and Maintenance –Bark dust is having some delays but some has been distributed. Fence cleaning will be cleaned after bark dust is distributed. And the seal coating on the private drives will also be done this season. Discussion on notifications and warning signs for homeowners on theses private streets was discussed.  The company will be asked if they have signage to warn the homeowners.

Unfinished Business – Sign Resolution was discussed at great length, a synopsis of that discussion will be documented here. There were some edits to the sign resolution and those edits will be forthcoming as an addition to the minutes. The one major change is that rental signs will only be allowed in the residence windows on the main floor.  No signs will be allowed outside the home.  Motion to approve the sign resolution once the edits were in place by Cathy P. and seconded by Sunil L.  As of July 2010 the current signage cases pending for rental signs will be waved and TMG will notify these homeowners of this information ASAP.

New Business – Board resignation that was submitted by Tom W. in an email and was approved by John M. and passed with a 3-1 vote.

Compliance reporting will continue through TMG process with TMG doing the inspections.

Adjournment –  9:02pm

Agenda September 2010

Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Monday, September 27, 2010 @ 7:00 pm

Somerset Christian Church, 16255 NW Bronson Rd

GUEST SPEAKER – City By Choice


Owners are welcome and encouraged to attend. The open forum time for Homeowner input is limited to 15 minutes (3 minutes each) at the beginning of each meeting. Once the open forum is closed, all owners are welcome to stay and listen to the business before the Board of Directors; however, additional homeowner interaction and input is only allowed if the Chairman of the Board calls upon a homeowner.



  • July 12th 2010






  1. Homeowner Correspondence


  1. Delinquency Report




  1. Reserve Study
  2. 2011 Budget
  3. Landscape Enhancements
  4. Mailbox Cleaning


Minutes June 2010 – Special Session

Approved Minutes

Special Meeting on Arbor Ridge community signage June 21st 2010

Attendance: Mike F., Tom W., Dave C., Cathy P., Aditya K., Sunil L., John M., and Michelle U. from TMG.

Meeting Called to order 7:01pm

Homeowner input:  – Fewer signs the better was one suggestion from a homeowner. One homeowner stated that directional signs should be allowed for open house sales and garage sales.

Unfinished Business –

Points of Review –

1.       CC&R’s do not define all Types of possible signs

2.       The board cannot make any decisions on signs other than For Sale or Political signs without being challenged legally.

3.       A Resolution was recommended by the assigned attorney to advise how to fill in the gaps.

4.       We currently have home owners in limbo on assessed fees based on the outcome of the board decision on signage.

5.        Questions of type of signs, For Rent, No Soliciting, scoop after your pet, Garage and yard sales, have been brought in the recent meeting either as a violation or by home owners.

6.       If the board does nothing then the board has no option but to ignore signs other than For Sale or Political signs, this can leave the board open for other issues.

The board took the revised sign resolution working document and made the first round of changes to the document.

Please note this is in no way the final version of this document.

Notations in red are John M.’s additions and word smithing.



Signs, Notices and Aesthetic Appearance – Common Areas and Private Lots (Properties)

WHEREAS, The Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association Board of Directors according to the By-Laws, Article 7, Section 1 is given the “power to adopt and publish rules and regulations governing use and maintenance of the Common area…and to establish fines and penalties for the violation thereof.”; and It appears that there is a mixture of items related to common areas and other areas that are privately owned. It would seem that the purpose would be better served if those categories were grouped in order to avoid any confusion in the minds of the readers.

WHEREAS, the Planned Community Act, ORS 94.630(1)(a) and ORS 94.640(1), the Board may adopt rules and regulations for the Planned Community in general, not inconsistent with the Declarationor Bylaws; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Declaration Section A-6, Signs, No signs shall be erected or maintained on any lot (Excluding Arbor Ridge Entry Monument Signs) except that not more then one “For Sale” sign placed by the owner, Declarant or by a licensed real estate agent, consistent with controlling governmental ordinances, may be temporarily displayed on any lot. This restriction shall not prohibit the temporary placement of “political” signs on any lot by the owner; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board of Directors to regulate the use of signs and other items which affect the aesthetic appeal of Arbor Ridge neighborhood.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following rules shall apply:

1. No freestanding real estate signs, open house signs or directional signs are to be placed anywhere along Laidlaw Road and West Union Road or at the entries to Arbor Ridge along Laidlaw Road or West Union Road, with the exception of the Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting Signs. All signage must be removed at the end of the day. Signs may only be displayed during “open house” hours.

2. A single real estate sign can be located on the lot itself, with the sign being located in the middle of the front yard near the street side lot line. Under no circumstances shall a sign be allowed on a side or real lot line or backyard. The maximum size of this approved sign is 18″ x 24″ and must be suspended or attached from a signpost. Sale and resale signs and posts must be removed within five days of closing of Signs, Notices and Aesthetic Appearance – Common Areas and Private Lots (Properties) the sale.

3. All signage within Arbor Ridge directing people to homes outside Arbor Ridge will be removed immediately without notification and discarded.

4. The Association shall retain the right to remove unauthorized signs without notice and/or require the lot owner to remove the sign(s)

5. No signage is to be placed in building windows. The only exceptions to this rule are Neighborhood Watch, Security, No Soliciting, Block Home or Religious and Holiday signs which must be commercially created signs that are professional in look and feel. No hand made signs will be allowed and should not exceed the size of 12″ x 12″.

6. Rental signs may be posted only on the private property where the rental is located and must conform to the real estate sign requirements for signs on lots. Rental signs and posts must be removed within five days of closing of rental, and no directional signs may be used.

7. Garage/Yard sale signs, personal signs, announcements, and other display materials are not allowed other than the day of the event . These types of signs are not permitted in the common areas along Laidlaw Road or West Union Road, with the exception of the Home Owner Association Annual Neighborhood sponsored Garage Sale Bannersunless it is the day of the event.

8. Security signs are permitted on private lots; however, the signs should be as close to the building as possible. To prevent challenges it might be better to phrase this as “To allow for maximum personal safety and security, security signs are permitted…”.

9. House numbers painted on street curbs should be stenciled professionally with black lettering on white background and not be taller than the height of the curb and no longer then 15″.

10. Commercial signs, general notices and other signs are not permitted in Arbor Ridge except as authorized elsewhere in the Association’s general rules and regulations. Vendor may place a 1 sign on the homeowners lot with the homeowner’s permission to advertise the company/work being done during the time the work on the home is being performed.

11. Advertisement signs for any purpose of generating business are not permitted on any Common Areas Signs, Notices and Aesthetic Appearance – Common Areas and Private Lots (Properties) and Private Lots.

12. Requests for exceptions to the sign rules may be submitted in writing to the Association’s Management Company office for review and consideration by the Association at the next Board Meeting. Such exceptions requests shall identify the type of sign to be used and the size, location, and intent of such use, in order that the Board may fairly evaluate the request for an exception.

13. Nothing herein shall be construed in such a way as to be applied or used to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, or other Constitutional or Federally or State Protected right afforded by law.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:27pm