Agenda April 2012

Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Tuesday (New Day), April 2, 2012 @ 6:30 pm (New Time)

Somerset Christian Church, 16255 NW Bronson Rd


Owners are welcome and encouraged to attend. The open forum time for Homeowner input is limited to 15 minutes (3 minutes each) at the beginning of each meeting. Once the open forum is closed, all owners are welcome to stay and listen to the business before the Board of Directors; however, additional homeowner interaction and input is only allowed if the Chairman of the Board calls upon a homeowner.


  • Special Presentation By Washington County Sheriff Department


  1. November 2011
  2. No January 2012 Minutes, No Quorum for Meeting




  1. Architectural
  2. Landscape
  3. Social



  1. Home Owner Correspondence


  1. Delinquency Report/Collection Update


  1. Reserve Study 2012
  2. Perimeter Community Fence
  3. Landscape Improvements
  4. Community Vandalism
  5. Neighborhood Watch Committee
  6. Meeting Location
  7. Compliance Ride List
  8. TMG Workshop


  1. Street Tree Discussion – Mary


March Meeting Moved to April

Please note that the HOA Board Meeting has been moved from March 27th to April 3rd at 6:30pm.

Agenda January 2012

Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Tuesday (New Day), January 31, 2011 @ 6:30 pm (New Time)

Somerset Christian Church, 16255 NW Bronson Rd


Owners are welcome and encouraged to attend. The open forum time for Homeowner input is limited to 15 minutes (3 minutes each) at the beginning of each meeting. Once the open forum is closed, all owners are welcome to stay and listen to the business before the Board of Directors; however, additional homeowner interaction and input is only allowed if the Chairman of the Board calls upon a homeowner.



  1. November 2011




  1. Architectural
  2. Landscape
  3. Social



  1. Home Owner Correspondence


  1. Delinquency Report/Collection Update


  1. Compliance Ride List January
  2. Reserve Study 2012
  3. Beaver Dam Update


  1. Street Tree Discussion – Mary


Minutes September 2011

Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for September 26th 2011

No Meeting held since Board Quorum was not met.

Minutes July 2011

 Approved Minutes

Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for July 25th 2011

Homeowner Input

I. Meeting Called to Order

6:35 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • May 2011 Minutes were motioned for approval Board passed the minutes unanimously.

III. President’s Report

  • Mike stated we have 4 people on the board with terms ending this year

IV. Treasure’s Report

  • None

V. Committee Report

  • Architectural – None
  • Landscape – None

VI. Management Report


  • Homeowner Correspondence

Notes incomplete for motion proposed by John M. and seconded by David C. :Notes are as follows – Homeowner property 4194 Motion was proposed but I have no other notes on this.  If we had the property and possible issue I may be able to complete this note.


  • Delinquency Report

No actions required by board

Repairs and Maintenance

No actions required by board

VII. New Business

  • Motion to retain Eric Tenbrook attorny to pursue collections on properties 0158,0197,0427,0512 – Motion from John M. and Dave C.seconded – Motion passes.

VIII. Unfinished Business

  1. Tree Notice Update
    • Mary was concidered for the Street Tree Chairmain, also have Mary decide on the ground cover for the Street triangles that have been planted with ground cover. Corrdinate with John from Showplace to finish up this project.
  2. Triangle Landscape Areas
    • Move with adding mulch
  3. Landscape Improvements/Proposals
    • Motion to approve the funds of $560 for cutting back overgrowth on the walking path once Mike F. walkes the path on Wetland area and approves the cutback. Motion from Dave C. and seconded by John M.
    • Replace Arborvitae to be replace on property – approved to get the funds for this project.
  4. Summer Newsletter

IX. Adjournment

Call for adjournment was at 8:19 pm

Agenda November 2011

Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Tuesday (New Day), November 29, 2011 @ 6:30 pm (New Time)

Somerset Christian Church, 16255 NW Bronson Rd


Owners are welcome and encouraged to attend. The open forum time for Homeowner input is limited to 15 minutes (3 minutes each) at the beginning of each meeting. Once the open forum is closed, all owners are welcome to stay and listen to the business before the Board of Directors; however, additional homeowner interaction and input is only allowed if the Chairman of the Board calls upon a homeowner.



  1. July 2011
  2. September 2011 (No Meeting Held, No Quorum)





    1. Home Owner Correspondence


    1. Delinquency Report


    1. Architectural
    2. Landscape
    3. Social


    1. Formal Appointment of new Committee Members
    2. 2012 Annual Meeting Dates



    Annual Meeting Minutes 2010

    Approved Annual Meeting Minutes for 2010

    Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association Annual Meeting October 25th 2010

    Attendance: Mike F., Sunil L., Cathy P., John M., and Lynda D. from TMG

    Call To Order: 7:07 pm

    At this time we are 21 proxies short of quorum. The Board will then reschedule this meeting for Wednesday November 3rd to have a Annual meeting. We will be required to have a 50% count on attendance or proxies to convene a annual meeting for 2010.

    Adjournment: 7:10 pm

    Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association Annual Meeting November 3rd 2010

    7:02 pm   The 2nd Annual Arbor Ridge Home Owners Meeting was called to order since

    we did not meet Quorum at the first meeting which was held 2 weeks ago.

    Board Members Not Present: John and Adita ; Present; Mike, Cathy, Dave, Sunil and Lynda from TMG

    Seven homeowners present – we had several e-mails which went out for our Annual Meeting in which we did not meet quorum because in which we needed 25% of all homeowners to respond with Proxies.  Tonight we have met quorum due to the fact at  the first meeting we had 20%  at now at this meeting we are at quorum.

    Sunil had approved the meeting minutes of 2009 and Dave had 2nd the motion.

    Presidents Report: We have elected TMG to do our compliance monitoring and we are actively looking for assistance.  We have past a sign resolution which is on the web site to interpret the CC&R’s .  We also had ShowPlace take care of the sidewalk in the Cottage Collection due to the roots pushing up the sidewalk, we are placing low growth shrubs and trying to fix the trees in the cottage collection. In 2011 S. of Oak Creek will be done and as of 2010 N. of Oak Creek is being done now.

    On the various committees we are looking for volunteers which include Social, Landscape, Newsletter, ARC and the Neighborhood Watch Committees.   Also this past year we had a reserve study performed and is posted on our website.

    2011 Budget was discussed

    Nominations: Mike Foster for Board Position was approved by the Quorum of Home Owners

    Meeting was adjourned at 7:28 pm

    Annual Meeting 2011 Results

    We had a great turn out at the Annual Meeting this year!! For the first time in our history we received enough Proxy forms plus the attending Home Owners to meet the required Quorum of 143 represented Home Owners, which is 25% of the neighborhood. We need to meet Quorum in order to hold the Annual Meeting without rescheduling.  Rescheduling can cost the HOA an additional $1000 each time we have to reschedule.

    Thank you to all the Home Owners who took the time to send in your Proxy and especially to those Home Owners who attended the meeting.  If you did not attend the meeting you missed out on three great door prizes we had in a drawing for those that attended.  This included a $200 Visa Gift Card, $100 Safeway Gift Card and a $50 Starbucks Gift Card.

    We welcome to the Board Lisa Walker & Todd Behunin.  They are very enthusiastic about contributing to the neighborhood and we look forward to their involvement.

    Thank you to John Michaud and Cathy Parsons for the service they have provided over the years as Board Members.  They have been valuable to the Board and the neighborhood in helping to keep things running smooth for all of us.

    We also had some Home Owners join the Social Committee, Landscape Committee and Architectural Review Committee.  Having additional people help on these committees will help greatly and we look forward to their involvement also.

    We have added a Facebook Group Page as a way to provide additional communication for the Home Owners.  Please check it out here.

    The Board has also decided to change the Meeting Day from Mondays to Tuesdays.  The time will still be 6:30 pm and the first date to change will be the November 2011 meeting which will move from Monday the 28th to Tuesday the 29th.  We will update the Calendar to reflect the new Dates after the November meeting when 2012 dates will be decided.  We hope this will be a better day for Home Owners to attend as Mondays tend to be very busy for a lot of people.

    Annual Meeting Reminder – October 24th

    Home owners just a reminder that the Annual Meeting is this coming Monday Oct 24th 2011 @ 6:30 pm at the Somerset Christian Church 16255 NW Bronson Rd, Beaverton, OR 97006.  Please arrive early to sign in so the meeting can start on time.

    Recently all Home Owners received a letter from our Management Company containing a proxy form and information on the upcoming Annual Meeting on October 24th 2011.  It is really important that if you can not attend the annual meeting that you send the proxy form back in the postage paid envelope.  Last few years it took multiple mailings and meetings to get a quorum of Home Owners in order to move forward with day to day business.  These extra mailing cost you as Home Owners $700 per a mailing.

    We would really like to see the Home Owners attend the Annual Meeting so that you can have input on the members of the Board, find out what is occurring in your neighborhood and provide feedback as an Arbor Ridge Home Owner.

    If you are interested in running for a Board Position please contact Lynda Dulong at The Management Group (see the contacts page) .  We are also looking for people to be involved with the Social Committee, Neighborhood Watch Committee, Architectural Review Committee, Newsletter Committee and Landscape Committee.  Please let us know by emailing us, contacting Lynda Dulong or attending the Annual Meeting.

    The Annual meeting is a great opportunity to meet the Board of Directors and the Management company that help manage the community.  If you are interested in a Board Position or would like to be a member on one of the committees this is a great place to get involved.


    Agenda September 2011

    Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

    Monday, September 26, 2011 @ 6:30 pm (New Time)

    Somerset Christian Church, 16255 NW Bronson Rd


    Owners are welcome and encouraged to attend. The open forum time for Homeowner input is limited to 15 minutes (3 minutes each) at the beginning of each meeting. Once the open forum is closed, all owners are welcome to stay and listen to the business before the Board of Directors; however, additional homeowner interaction and input is only allowed if the Chairman of the Board calls upon a homeowner.



    • July 2011





    1. Reserve Study 2012
    2. 2012 Budget


    1. Tree Notice Update