Annual Meeting Minutes 2011
Approved Annual Meeting Minutes for 2011
Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association Annual Meeting October 24th 2011
Attendance: Mike F., Mike F., Cathy P., John M., Adita., and Lynda D. from TMG
Call To Order: 6:10 pm
We have met quorum to hold the Annual Meeting.
Home Owner 1 Motioned to approve the Minutes for the 2010 Annual Meeting, Home Owner 2 seconded the motion. Annual Meeting Minutes for 2010 are approved.
Presidents Report: Various committees are looking for volunteers which include Social, Landscape, Newsletter, ARC and the Neighborhood Watch Committees. We are seeking additional Board Members to join the Board.
We are looking in to a Beaver Dam in the wetlands and what can be done before it causes damage to the area.
2012 Budget was discussed, The HOA Fees will stay at $250/year and the Cottage Landscape Maintenance Fees will stay at $228 / 6 months.
Nominations for Board Positions: Lisa Walker, Todd Behunin, Mike Farris
Committee Volunteers: Greg Tao to also Join the Landscape Committee, Michael Walker to Join the Landscape Committee, Eric Hunt to Join the Landscape Committee, Aradhana Gupta to Join the Social Committee, Harleen Kaur to Join the Social & Architectural Review Committees.
This meeting was adjourned at 7:02 pm