Annual Meeting Minutes 2011

Approved Annual Meeting Minutes for 2011

Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association Annual Meeting October 24th 2011

Attendance: Mike F., Mike F., Cathy P., John M., Adita., and Lynda D. from TMG

Call To Order: 6:10 pm

We have met quorum to hold the Annual Meeting.

Home Owner 1 Motioned to approve the Minutes for the 2010 Annual Meeting, Home Owner 2 seconded the motion. Annual Meeting Minutes for 2010 are approved.

Presidents Report: Various committees are looking for volunteers which include Social, Landscape, Newsletter, ARC and the Neighborhood Watch Committees.   We are seeking additional Board Members to join the Board.

We are looking in to a Beaver Dam in the wetlands and what can be done before it causes damage to the area.

2012 Budget was discussed, The HOA Fees will stay at $250/year and the Cottage Landscape Maintenance Fees will stay at $228 / 6 months.

Nominations for Board Positions: Lisa Walker, Todd Behunin, Mike Farris

Committee Volunteers: Greg Tao to also Join the Landscape Committee, Michael Walker to Join the Landscape Committee, Eric Hunt to Join the Landscape Committee, Aradhana Gupta to Join the Social Committee, Harleen Kaur to Join the Social & Architectural Review Committees.

This meeting was adjourned at 7:02 pm

Annual Meeting Reminder

Home owners this is just a reminder that the Annual Meeting is this coming Tuesday Oct 23rd 2012 @ 6:30 pm at Bethany Elementary School, 3305 Northwest 174th Avenue, Portland, OR 97229.

Please arrive early to sign in so the meeting can start on time.

Home Owners will receive a letter from our Management Company containing a proxy form and information on the upcoming Annual Meeting on October 23rd, 2012.  It is really important that if you can not attend the Annual Meeting that you send the proxy form back in the postage paid envelope.  Last few years it took multiple mailings and meetings to get a quorum of Home Owners in order to move forward with day to day business.  These extra mailing cost you as a Home Owners $700 per a mailing.

We would really like to see the Home Owners attend the Annual Meeting so that you can have input on the members of the Board, find out what is occurring in your neighborhood and provide feedback as an Arbor Ridge Home Owner.

If you are interested in running for a Board Position please contact Lynda Dulong at The Management Group (see the contacts page) .  We are also looking for people to be involved with the Social Committee, Neighborhood Watch Committee, Architectural Review Committee, Newsletter Committee and Landscape Committee.  Please let us know by emailing us, contacting Lynda Dulong or attending the Annual Meeting.

The Annual meeting is a great opportunity to meet the Board of Directors and the Management company that help manage the community.  If you are interested in a Board Position or would like to be a member on one of the committees this is a great place to get involved.

Newsletter October 2012

Newsletter October 2012

Minutes June 2012

Approved Minutes

Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for June 26th 2012

Homeowner Input

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:50 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • April 3, 2012 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously

III. President’s Report

  • Mike Foster proceeded with communicating an overview of how the order of the meeting would be facilitated.
  • It was brought to the boards attention, by Lynda DuLong that on June 25, 2012, a community resident tripped on a raised sidewalk, fell, and broke her arm. The residents of the home are tenants. Lynda will keep the board updated where needed on this accident.
  • Home Owner Cathy P. emailed the board stating her concerns for the Beaver dams, Coyotes, and dead rats being found around the parameter of protected fish and wild life area. Mike Foster discussed the idea of being permitted to have a Beaver Dissever Pipe placed through the Beaver dam to allow the water to flow out without hurting the Beavers, and violating the protection of them. Carolyn B. stated that it would be good if we could ask for a permit to add additional signage at the protected fish and wild life area. Lynda DuLong made a note, to do possible future research on this.
  • It was noted that our November 27th, 2012 meeting will be moved to December 11, 2012 and will be the last meeting of 2012.

IV. Treasure’s Report

  • Dave Cummings was absent for the meeting, therefore, Mike Farris reviewed the financials for the Master and Cottages.  In the review, the expense of the annual insurance renewal lump sum was in question.  Lynda DuLong explained that it was paid in full to reflect being current for the period of July 2012 – June 2013.  All other expenses were reflected to be within budget for this period ending.

V. Committee Report

  • Architectural – a discussion took place regarding the new solar panels being installed on 11 homes.  The approval was done by the vendor company and was in compliancy.
  • Landscape – Discussion of Landscape improvements for the review of the landscape conditions in common elements. Management asked for a proposal to enhance entry areas in the meeting that took place on April 3rd, 2012, one being along Laidlaw and Oak Creek Drive. Tom Wilkinson stated in his review of the area that a nice boulder and landscaping of flowers/with possible irrigation. John Shewchuck from Show Place Landscape Services quoted via email (Laidlaw and Oak Creek- add irrigation and plants per the sketch at the open area on the North side of Oak Creek is not to exceed $1,122.00) Tom Wilkinson stated that he felt it would run approximately $500.00 (this is for the wedge area/Oak creek and Laidlaw). This would include 2 new trees, and scrubs with boulder/flowers possibly? The motion was approved by Mike Farris and seconded by Lisa Walker.
  • Additional discussion and overview of the Reserve Study 2012, and the perimeter community Fence. The landscape committee is also planning landscaping pruning day. They will volunteer their time to do the pruning of needed trees and leave the debris for Show Place Landscape Services to remove promptly.
  • Mary Davidson has put together an adhoc committee to define the street tree issues. The trees have a possibility of damaging the water meters and sidewalks. The adhoc committee is a separate team that will continue discussing what options can be pursued to resolve the problems. It was agreed upon that the committee is separate from the Landscape Committee. This adhoc committed was not sanction by the board, rather it is home owner created to present their concerns and offer resolution for the board to consider if the board needs to be involved in a solution. Eric, the TMG, assigned lawyer reviewed the CCR and interpreted the compliancy and possible ambiguity clarified. Moving forward, Lynda DuLong, consulted with the Davey Company (Ruth Williams), and received a quote on the trees and creating a customized short term and long term plane for a systematic process/project management will be in place. The first preliminary meeting will take place onsite on Monday, July 9th. It was discussed by the board that if a “one time” special assessment is needed (not to be more than 10% increase) that a 75% vote of the homeowners would be needed. A reserve study amendment will be possibly needed. An electronic Map book will be created and posted on our Arbor Ridge Website.
  • Fir Bark Dust was motioned to be placed in the month of July 2012.
  • White Fence Washing will be done by JL Paint Co., per quote given to Lynda DuLong from Joseph Lambert.
  • A discussion took place on the increase of moles, and how to set-up traps to remove the critters.
  • Ken from Washington County was out two weeks ago to survey the protected area and mosquito control. He tested for the breed of mosquito, to see if they have changed since last year. He will then take the necessary action to treat the area.
  • Social Events – Lisa Walker gave an update on the current Social Committee events taking place in the future.  July 4th we are engaging with our neighboring community for the special morning picnic and parade.  July 10th from 4:30 – 8 pm we have been invited to attend a National Night Out gathering in Hillsboro.  The Sheriff’s department will have a booth and will be giving us a kit for the event happening on August 7th at 6:30 pm at the Otten Park (corner of Laidlaw and Emerald Canyon) this is an event in support of the Neighborhood Watch program.  This will be a big event with the Sheriff Department attendance.  It will be an ice cream social and hotdog event.  Lisa has coordinated to have her daughter, Cassandra Walker – Certified Executive Chef) to help with the function.  Lynda DuLong is asking for a donation from John at Show Place Landscape services and TMG will participate in a donation also.  The event is approximated to be $200.00.  Mike Foster will donate a bike for a raffle.
  • Sheriff Pat Garrett – we are confirming a day and time for him to come and present at a HOA Board meeting.  The selected date is for the annual meeting held on October 23, 2012.  Lisa is in communications with Kathy Bose, Executive Administrator to Sheriff Pat Garret to confirm the scheduling.  This is in support of the Neighborhood Watch program.
  • Neighborhood Watch – on May 23rd, 2012 the first Neighborhood Watch meeting took place with Darlene Schnoor and Deputy Scott.  We had approximately 15 community residents gather.  It was a very successful meeting, and kick off.  As of June 26, 2012 we have 17 street captains and approximately 100+ volunteers.  Email trees have been developed.  8 Neighborhood Watch signs are be placed and permitted by Washington County.  Stickers are being given out, and future meetings being defined.

VI. Management Report


  • Homeowner Correspondence
  • It was noted and agreed upon that Lynda DuLong will be consolidating the report, and only discussing at future meetings the “needed action by the board” correspondences. Lynda will place the other correspondences that don’t need action in a spreadsheet for the review of the Board of Directors.
  • Discussion took place on the camper violation, but stated by Mike Foster and Lisa Walker that the homeowner is in compliancy with the CCR.
  • Discussion on basketball hoops and the damaging of them by the landscapers. It will be defined for in the future that Showplace Landscape as our vendor should not be responsible for the replacement. Mike Foster/Mike Farris/Lynda DuLong will be working on an amendment of resolution with new guidelines. The amendment/resolution will be motioned for approval at the next meeting.
  • Trash cans discussed, home owner being charged $75.00 for third letter being issued. Home owner asked that the $75.00 be waived (one time waiver) approved and motioned by Mike Foster, and second by Lisa Walker.


  • Delinquency Report reviewed
  • There was a discussion on being more aggressive in a tiered out fashion. It was decided to define and clarify a guideline of threshold of $1,500 (for tighter controls in place)
  • No actions required by board
  • Eric, the assigned lawyer, is reviewing and taking necessary action.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • No actions required by board

VII. New Business

  • Reserve Study 2012
  • Perimeter Community Fence maintenance – JL Painting Co. quoted and being assigned for cleaning.
  • Landscape improvement (bark dust) – July 31st, 2012 bark dust being laid – approved and motioned as approved.  Special Flyers will be given to home owners to allow them to place a “no bark dust” tag on their doors.
  • Street Trees/Landscape Survey – Davey Company (Ruth Williams) being implemented.
  • Insurance renewal – being processed.
  • Community Vandalism update – continued to be reviewed.
  • Forming of the Neighborhood Watch Committee – being fully implemented at this time.
  • Discussion of new meeting locations and possible changed dates – pending (Lynda DuLong)
  • Compliance Ride to be defined in the month of July 2012.
  • Finish Year End Budget – being assigned to President, Mike Foster to approve and sign off.
  • Neighborhood Watch signs being installed by Washington County.
  • No Parking signs being surveyed by Washington County, and replaced by end of June 2012, at no cost.
  • July 2012 Arbor Ridge Newsletter, volume 1 being mailed out the week of July 2nd, 2012.

VIII. Unfinished Business

  • Mike Farris and Lisa Walker to meet to do a training on Arbor Ridges’ Website.
  • Street Trees/Landscape Survey Report – pending implementation. (Davey Co.)

IX. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at 8:35 pm

September Meeting Location Change

Due to a conflict of schedules at the Somerset Christian Church we are not able to hold our Home Owners Meeting there.  We have reserved a room at the Avamere Retirement Center located off of West Union, located at the Eastern edge of our community.  Please check in at the front desk when you arrive.

HOA Meeting Cancelled for 7/31/2012

Home Owners Meeting for 7/31/2012 has been cancelled.  Please check the Calendar for the next Scheduled Meeting.

Minutes April 2012

Approved Minutes

Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for April 3rd 2012

Homeowner Input

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:35 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • ** No Meeting held in January 2012 since Board Quorum was not met
  • November 2011 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously

III. President’s Report

  • Mike Foster requested the Arbor Ridge Showroom agenda review and introduced the Washington County Sherriff’s Office sponsorship on the Neighborhood Watch program development. He also proceeded with communicating an overview of how the order of the meeting would be facilitated.

IV. Treasure’s Report

  • Dave Cummings stated that as of end of March 2012 we are under budget to date and will continue operating under budget.

V. Committee Report

  • Architectural – None
  • Landscape – discussion of Landscape improvements for the review of the landscape conditions in common elements. Management asked for a proposal to enhance entry areas, one being along Laidlaw and Oak Creek Drive and another at the entrance at Palmbrook. Additional discussion and overview of the Reserve Study 2012, and the perimeter community Fence.
  • Mary Davidson has put together an adhoc committee to define the street tree issues.  The trees have a possibility of damaging the water meters and sidewalks.  The adhoc committee is a separate team that will continue discussing what options can be pursued to resolve the problems.  It was agreed upon that the committee is separate from the Landscape Committee.  This adhoc committed was not sanction by the board, rather it is home owner created to present their concerns and offer resolution for the board to consider if the board needs to be involved in a solution.  Mary is working on defining and providing confirmed dates to meet with the Board to discuss concerns with street tree responsibility. Management will update the Board with any new information as received.
  • Social Events – Lisa Walker gave an update on the current Social Committee event – The HOA Easter Egg Hunt for the children. Budget requested for event is $375.00, the board motioned for approval and the budget was approved unanimously. Lisa Walker also discussed the community garage sale initiatives for the month of June 2012.
  • Neighborhood Watch– a discussion took place on creating a Neighborhood Watch program. It was motioned that Lisa, Michael and Ken Walker were in agreement to set up a program. The board motioned for approval, and the nomination of the Walker Family was approved unanimously. Due to the increasing number of incidents within the neighborhood the community felt an urgency of setting up a program. Washington County has a Crime Prevention Specialist, Darlene Schnoor, that will arrange a meeting with residents to come, and train, answer questions and distribute materials.

VI. Management Report


  • Homeowner Correspondence
  • The Owner at 4606 NW Sidewinder Place sent in a response to violation for having Holiday clips on his home.
  • The Owner at 4124 NW Diamondback Drive sent in an email to notify the Board that his home was broken into on March 10th in broad daylight. Home owner discussed an overview of the happenings at the meeting with the community and Board.


  • Delinquency Report reviewed
  • No actions required by board

Repairs and Maintenance

  • No actions required by board

VII. New Business

  • Reserve Study 2012
  • Perimeter Community Fence maintenance
  • Landscape improvement (bark dust)
  • Community Vandalism update
  • Forming of the Neighborhood Watch Committee
  • Discussion of new meeting locations and possible changed dates
  • Compliance Ride to be defined in the month of April 2012.
  • TMG Workshop to be held on April 28th. 8am – 3pm.

VIII. Unfinished Business

  • Landscape Committee/Street Tree Discussion – Mary Davidson was contacted after the last meeting to provide dates where the Board and Landscape Committee Members could meet and discuss concerns with the street tree responsibility. As of date Mary has not provided confirmed dates. Management will update the Board with any new information as received.
  • Lisa and Ken Walker will coordinate the Neighborhood Watch program initiatives and work in coordinating with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Darlene Schnoor, training date and scope of program developing for our community.
  • Mike Farris is in review of “what can we do to provide safer streets”. For example: Speeding on streets and prevention of accidents.

IX. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at 8:30 pm

Neighborhood Watch Meeting

Thank you for all who attended the initial ARBOR RIDGE Neighborhood Watch meeting!

Professionals from the Washington County Sheriff’s Department facilitated the meeting and discussed with the community ideas to help reduce CRIME in our Neighborhood!

We discussed information on creating a Neighborhood Watch Program,
including CRIME PREVENTION techniques to secure your home, valuables, & personal safety.
Neighbors Working Together in a Partnership with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office can make one of the best crime-fighting teams around!!

Crime Prevention Specialist Darlene Schnoor was our guest speaker, and Deputy Scott shared his expertise in answering questions on CRIME PREVENTION techniques to secure your home, valuables, & personal safety.

The initial training meeting was extremely successful, and had approximately 20 community neighbors that participated in the meeting.

Here are the team’s initial initiatives established which are moving forward in process:

– 20 Street Captain’s are being established in support of 8 – 10 homes.
– The Street Captain’s are gathering neighbors of interest to create an email message tree.
– We will be securing and installing 8 Neighborhood Watch signs to be posted through out our community.
– We will be having ongoing frequent meetings with the Sheriff’s Dept. which we will be announcing.

Below is the link to the Washington County Public Alert System. This system allows the Dispatch center to notify folks via their phones/emails of incidents,situations

Thank you from the Arbor Ridge Neighborhood Watch Program

Neighborhood Watch Meeting

We need you to be a part of the ARBOR RIDGE Neighborhood Watch Team!

Professionals working with YOU to help reduce CRIME in your Neighborhood!

When: Wednesday, May 23, 2012  6:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m.

Where: Somerset Church

What: We will also be discussing information on creating a Neighborhood Watch Program,
including CRIME PREVENTION techniques to secure your home, valuables, & personal safety.
Neighbors Working Together in a Partnership with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office can make one of the best crime-fighting teams around!!

Crime Prevention Specialist Darlene Schnoor will be our guest speaker

ARBOR RIDGE Neighborhood Watch INVITE

Minutes November 2011

Approved Minutes

Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for November 29th 2011

Homeowner Input

I. Meeting Called to Order

6:35 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • July 2011 Minutes were motioned for approval and the Board passed the minutes unanimously.

III. President’s Report

  • Mike Foster requested that the Board of Directors 2012 introduce themselves.  This included the newly appointed board members from the October meeting.  He also proceeded with communicating an overview of how the order of the meeting would be facilitated.

IV. Treasure’s Report

  • Dave Cummings stated that as of October 2011 we are under budget to date and will continue operating under budget.
  • Lynda Dulong will be finalizing next year’s annual budget.
  • A discussion took place among the board members in discussing the renewal of the CD.  It is generally renewed, as we get good rates on the CD.  This is money from the Reserve Funds which we don’t need access to.  It was agreed upon to automatically renew it.   Dave Cummings stated that he is in review of laddering the CD portfolio which will give the best return on our investment.

V. Committee Report

  • Architectural – None
  • Landscape – A discussion on the street triangles that have been planted with ground cover.  It was agreed upon that grass with mulch is the best solution to keep them neat in appearance.
  • Mary Davidson has put together an adhoc committee to define the street tree issues.  The trees have a possibility of damaging the water meters and sidewalks.  The adhoc committee is a separate team that will continue discussing what options can be pursued to resolve the problems.  It was agreed upon that the committee is separate from the Landscape Committee.  This adhoc committed was not sanction by the board, rather it is home owner created to present their concerns and offer resolution for the board to consider if the board needs to be involved in a solution.  The HOA is not to fund, as it would be costly and create possible liability if something, such as a water meter being damaged.  An assessment and legal requirements will need to be reviewed, county requirements and compliances with defined codes.
  • Special Events – Lisa Walker requested a motion to support the December Holiday Light’s event.  A new flyer will need to be created by Lynda Dulong of approximately 550 flyers.  Dave Cummings motioned that the event could be funded in the amount of $300.00.  This would cover the Grand prize, 2nd prize, and 3rd prize.  Lisa Walker, Harleen Kaur, and Aradhana Gupta will distribute the flyers within the community. It was motioned by Dave Cummings and second motioned by Mike Foster.

VI. Management Report


  • Homeowner Correspondence

Homeowner, Ying – Property:  17206 Gold Canyon, asked for a motion to be proposed to the board for two separate fines of $150.00 and $75.00 due to the property was rented and the homeowner was not aware of the charges, and did not receive them in forwarded mail.  The homeowner has now taken care of the conditions of the property and advised the tenants.  Homeowner has updated TMG of the change of address taken place and in good faith states that it will not occur again.  Homeowner asked for the fines to be waived.  Mike Foster motion the request of waiver to be approved and Dave Cummings seconded the motion.


  • Delinquency Report reviewed

No actions required by board

Repairs and Maintenance

No actions required by board

VII. New Business

  • Motion to approve the new Board of Directors and Committees for 2012.  Michael Foster (President), Mike Farris (Vice Chair) Lisa Walker (Secretary) Dave Cummings (Treasurer), Aditya Kapoor (Director at Large), Todd Behunin (Director at Large) and Architectural Review Committee members, Social Committee, and Landscape Committees – Motion passes.
  • Mike Foster – scheduling a time for Darleen with the Sheriff’s Department, to participate in a future meeting to discuss disaster recovery and safety.
  • Mike Farris – scheduling an overview from a local company, TruGreen, to present their product and services to the Committee.

VIII. Unfinished Business

IX. Adjournment

Call for adjournment was at 7:30 pm