Special Ad-Hoc Meeting Minutes October 2013

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.  If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.


Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for October 17th, 2013

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:33 pm
  • Attendees: Mike Foster, Mike Farris, Todd Behunin, Ken Walker, Lisa Walker, Lynda DuLong, Zen Dunaj, Ela Dunaj, Kim Loeffler

II. Arbor Ridge ad hoc Beaver Committee Informational Report and Recommendations

  • Execution Session took place: Kim Loeffler was asked to give a 10 minute review of the Recommendations, as documented in the informational report, dated, October 8, 2013.

III. Question Session

  • The Board began a discussion on the contents and proposed recommendations of the ad hoc Beaver committee.
  • Beaver Dam removal by a 3rd party contractor to reduce water volume.
  • To have a Geo Engineering firm inspect the walls on the Arbor Ridge Properties to clarify the structural integrity of the wall as well as its purpose to sustain standing water against them.

IV. Board Response

  • The Board of Directors gave a response of the recommendations of the Beaver ad hoc committee that the documented report does not reflect the tasks initially assigned to them to define the purpose, problem, factual analyze, and action plan of short term and long term actions.  The Board will review/evaluate and report back their decision.
  • The Board asked a closing of the session.
  • Motion to end session, and motion seconded and carried.

V. Board Decision

  • Short term decision will be: Beaver Dam removal by a 3rd party contractor to reduce water volume –a motion was made to approve $5,000 budget allocation; the motion was seconded and carried.
  • Board will look to have trees replanted by an organization that will provide the trees for free that beavers will not like to help deter beavers from the area.

VI. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at 7:37 pm

Annual Meeting Reminder 2013

Home owners this is just a reminder that the Annual Meeting is this coming Tuesday Oct 22nd 2013 @ 6:30 pm at Bethany Elementary School, 3305 Northwest 174th Avenue, Portland, OR 97229.

Please arrive early to sign in so the meeting can start on time, registration will begin at 6:00 pm.

Home Owners will receive a letter from our Management Company containing a proxy form and information on the upcoming Annual Meeting on October 22nd, 2013.  It is really important that if you can not attend the Annual Meeting that you send the proxy form back in the postage paid envelope.  A quorum of Home Owners in order to move forward with day to day business.  Extra mailing cost you as a Home Owners $700 per a mailing and continue until we reach the quorum.

We would really like to see the Home Owners attend the Annual Meeting so that you can have input on the members of the Board, find out what is occurring in your neighborhood and provide feedback as an Arbor Ridge Home Owner.

If you are interested in running for a Board Position please contact Lynda Dulong at The Management Group (see the contacts page) .  We are also looking for people to be involved with the Social Committee, Neighborhood Watch Committee, Architectural Review Committee, Newsletter Committee and Landscape Committee.  Please let us know by emailing us, contacting Lynda Dulong or attending the Annual Meeting.

The Annual meeting is a great opportunity to meet the Board of Directors and the Management company that help manage the community.  If you are interested in a Board Position or would like to be a member on one of the committees this is a great place to get involved.

If you need a copy of the letter and/or proxy form please see this link.

ARHA Annual Meeting Mailing 092713

Minutes July 2013

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.  If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.



Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for July 30th 2013

Homeowner Input

**An in-depth discussion took place regarding the Natural Habitat and the Beaver/Fish and Wildlife & Clean Water Services/ management of the Beaver Dams and water flow

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 7:00 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • May 21, 2013 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously.

III. President’s Report

  • None

IV. Treasure’s Report

  • Mike Farris, Treasurer, was absent, but Lynda DuLong (TMG) gave us a brief update:
    2014 preliminary budgets for the Masters and The Cottages are being put together and reviewed. We then can plan our organizational goals in terms of specific financial and operating objectives.

V. Committee Report

  • Social Events/Neighborhood Watch/Newsletter – Lisa Walker reported:
    • The Neighborhood Watch program is still going strong with special current focus on providing continued crime alerts and educational materials from the Washington County Sheriffs Department. Ken Walker completed his attendance of the Washington County Sheriffs Department’s Citizen’s Academy in the month of June. He reported that it was very interesting, and he learned about all the different department’s functions. In support of the Neighborhood Watch Program we discussed further defining the project of incorporating a Disaster Recovery program. Mike Foster suggested we engage with Michele Grote of Thrive Life. Michele has confirmed she will be attending our HOA Annual meeting on October 22, 2013 to do a presentation and over view of her product and services.
    • The Social Committee: Our July 4th Arbor Ridge and CWN social event went very well.   Arbor Ridge hosted the hot dog stand, and gave out over 500 hot dogs.  We had 31 volunteers from Arbor Ridge, which was so much appreciated.   The next scheduled event is August 6th (The National Night Out Event, which is also a CWN joint event in support of the Neighborhood Watch Program) and the last event of the year is going to be The Holiday Lighting Contest in the month of Dec.2013
  • Landscape – Discussion:
    • Tom Wilkinson, reported he worked with ShowPlace Landscaping to define certain sprinklers to be shut off (also to fix broken sprinters) and to change the watering schedule where needed to cut down on the water expenditures.
    • In the common area there was a dead tree, ShowPlace managed the removal.
    • A tree was topped off (broke off) and may have been a potential vandalism.
    • There will be new Arborvitae planted in needed area.  It was motion, and motioned second to approve $505.00 for this project to be implemented.
    • The Biggest project is still being managed forward, The Davey Tree Project. An oversight was made, but amended to report correctly on the report by Ruth. There will be a spread sheet available to defineeach tree’s physical address. There are 78 trees for removal this year. 28 are located on Arizona Drive, and 13 located on Desert Canyon. We discussed the importance of the impact of the appearance of these areas, to be discussed and reviewed carefully. Also, a discussion took place on marking/tagging the trees or curbs with paint. For accuracy there will be a GPS locater for the tree removal project. Trees are scheduled (and home owners will be notified) that August 2013 will be the beginning of the tree removal, and planting to occur in Sept. 2013 and October 2013.
    • Lynda DuLong (TMG) brought up the importance of the Landscape budget for 2014 and the review of it.
  • Architectural – Mike Farris reported:
    • One pending ARC board review, and no other updates made at the meeting.

VI. Management Report


  • Homeowner Correspondence (please see management report on file, for additional information).  Homeowner correspondences were discussed regarding waived yard maintenance reminders, and overdue dues.  It was discussed, that homeowners that wish to have a fine waived are asked to present themselves in front of the board in person to discuss further.


  • Delinquency report discussed in detail and recommended advisement of protocol in maintaining collections took place.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • N/A

VII. New Business

  • Reserve Study 2014
  • Showplace Landscaping Budget 2014
  • Social Media/Facebook
  • Landscape Replacement
  • Beaver/Fish Wildlife:  **An Ad Hoc committee was formed (and motioned once and then second) to be formed to address the concerns of the home owners and to define a plan to be presented to the Board in the near future to review and possibly approve given the restrictions and the compliancy that must be met by set legal guidelines.

VIII. Unfinished Business

  • Davey Tree Plan and Project Management.

IX. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at 8:10 pm

Special Ad-Hoc Meeting Minutes September 2013

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.  If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.


Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for September 17th 2013


6:35 pm

Attendees: Mike Foster, Mike Farris, Todd Behunin, Aditya Kapoor, Ken Walker, Lisa Walker, Lynda DuLong, Mary Davidson, Tom Wilkinson, Carolyn Benedict, Zen Dunaj, Kim Loeffler, Jeff and Emily Whiting.

Charter and next steps – Overview presentation Kim Loeffler
Committee members: Zen Dunaj, Ella Dunaj, Anand Rajan, Meghana Rajan, Josh Eisenberg, Cathy Parson, Kim Loeffler, Jeff Whiting, Emily Whiting, and Ken Walker.
Beaver Response Ad-hoc Committee (CHARTER & NEXT-STEPS)


  • Maintain home value and healthy natural environment by minimizing impact of “standing water” in wetlands and on retaining walls (Note: Impact on environment documented over past 13 years via attached homeowner photos.)


  • Committee seeks to discover facts, implement appropriate solutions, and strive for resolution of “standing water” issue in Arbor Ridge neighborhood.
  • Committee will have 1 email rep (Kim Loeffler), who will serve as the Point of Contact (PoC) for all email communication between this committee and the HOA Board of Directors (BoD).
  • Committee to exist as an ongoing entity to monitor the green space area and communicate with the BoD in order to manage potential future problems.


  • Assess impact of “standing water” on the structural integrity of retaining walls with the objective of maintaining health, safety, and value of personal property at Arbor Ridge. Our concern about community health extends to the health of humans, habitat wildlife, as well as neighborhood pets.
  • Submit proposals to HOA BoD requesting appropriate actions based on the above assessment.
  • Monitor the green space area on a regular basis and provide half-yearly updates to the BoD in order to pro-actively manager potential future problems.

Problem Definition

  • We are seriously concerned because we do NOT understand the long-term impact of “standing water” on the community green space, against home retaining walls, and the health of the inhabitants (since stagnant water can be a breeding ground for disease carrying mosquitoes).

Proposed Actions

  • Short-Term (Fact Finding): The ad-hoc committee will work with HOA BoD to organize meetings with reputable and qualified 3rd party experts from the following list. (Note: We propose that at least 1 member of the ad-hoc committee and 1 HOA Bod member attend each of these expert meetings.)
  • Structural Engineer
  • Determine capacity of retaining walls (i.e. what were the walls built to withstand).
  • Determine current status of the retaining walls (i.e. are the walls structurally sound today).
  • Clean Water Services (CWS)
  • Mike Foster to share notes from his 8/14 meeting with Jared Kinner (CWS).
  • Additional Recommended Experts and other resources
  • Mid-Term/Long-Term: TBD after successful execution for fact-finding stage.


Mike Foster, President began the meeting by defining the process. He asked that there be 1 speaker at a time. Questions regarding the Beaver Ad-hoc Committee proposal (Charter & Next Steps), and how we want to follow specific set guidelines.

Board may motion for an approval of the charter or disapproval.

Initial purpose/defined in email sent on record: August 01, 2013 at 4:46 pm.

Next email sent and reviewed on record: August 15, 2013

On August 30th, 2013 the ad-hoc Beaver Response Committee sent by email their charter & proposed steps of action to be reviewed by the Board of Directors.
Board of Director’s floor was opened to define moving forward an open discussion.

Mike Farris, stated “do we approve the draft charter for the Ad-Hoc committee, recommendations not to approve, or to amend the charter proposal?”

Aditya Kapoor made it noted: “should we lower the dams and how?”

Todd Behunin: stated that he was in agreement with the charter.

Mike Farris: stated “agreement good, starting point”.

Todd Behunin: asked “is the Ad-Hoc committee going to be in place for an indefinite time?”

Mike Foster: stated “no easement on property (track T) but signage everywhere.”

Concerns: Legal review needed to define issues and action steps.
CCRs , Track T (not provided with an easement in place?)
What are the long term recommendations?

Mike Farris: stated “need to assess and understand, the habitat and how it is going to be affected to create a balance. (make it noted: Goal #1 has this stated).

Motion was made by Mike Farris and second by Todd Behunin.

It was discussed who services us or Clean Water Services. Giving up the rights to the land?


HOA need to vote?
Legal opinion needed?
Time and effort discussed.
Move to formal meeting?

Motion: Legal opinion and tracks, and seconded. (Defined to be new business for the next board meeting.)

Mike Foster asked “approval to amend charter to reflect a clarification on Goal 1 and amend Goal 3 to reflect a monitoring of the green space on a minimum Quarterly basis.”

None appose, and Mike Foster past to have it on the record as amended.

Mike Farris stated that we will need 3 bids from contractors to define the Cost and Implementation of placing an industrial pipe at the largest damn byMain bridge to bring down the water by an estimated 50% (to manage and Monitor until water level is away from the main affected rock wall).

Jeff Whiting discussed a Title company assessment and inspection he could Coordinate with to define track “T”.

Mike Foster discussed, Clean Water Services (Jared Kinnear, PWS, CPESC with Water Resources Project Management/Clean Water Services) the 3 main things to be considered:

The HOA can hire a private contractor to install the deceiver pipe, or
The HOA can call the Oregon Wildlife Services Department to trap the beaver to relive concern for this winter, or
The HOA can sign over an easement to CWS giving permission to implement a Temperature Management Project (plantings), which would allow us to install the pipe, manage the area, and increase the number of plantings
This will take some time, and will not allow enough time to install pipe before the rains
This can be done as a volunteer campaign through Friends of Trees, funded by CWS
FOT would train volunteers from the HOA to help manage volunteer planting events
This would allow CWS to support FOT with funding to install the plants, CWS would manage the area in order to keep plants alive and beaver activity controlled.
Zen Dunaj: expressed his concern for the level of water and how it will be maintained over time so it will not be considered (legally, if defined to beliability by a Geo Tech Engineering firm?)

Kim Loeffler: discussed an overview of the Ad-Hoc committee views and how she felt the importance of all of the residents of the Arbor Ridge community, to always be listen too in a proactive manner. Also, offered thanks and appreciation of the Board of Directors for their time and volunteering efforts.


7:45 pm

Agenda Special Ad-Hoc September 2013

Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association
“Special” Board Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at 6:30 p.m
Avamere at Bethany Retirement Center (Craft Room ♦ 3rd Floor)

16360 NW Avamere Court ♦ Portland OR 97229


II.  Beaver Response Ad-Hoc Committee Report

  • Charter and next steps –Overview presentation Kim Loeffler


Minutes May 2013

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.  If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.


Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for May 21st 2013

Homeowner Input

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:45 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • April 2, 2013 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously.

III. President’s Report

  • None

IV. Treasure’s Report

  • Mike Farris, Treasurer, did an overview of the financials and stated the following:
    The Budget and Income are on track for the Cottage and Main Collection. As expenses come in for the year an on-going review and updates will be furnished.
    Overall financials are doing very well. Cottage landscaping revenues exceeding budget for this time of year ($15,000 in the positive) For the Master Collection revenues exceeding budget for this time of year ($14,000 in the positive). We had revenue transfers for both the reserves.

V. Committee Report

  • Social Events/Neighborhood Watch/Newsletter – Lisa Walker reported:
    • The Neighborhood Watch program is still going strong with special current focus on providing continued crime alerts and educational materials from the Washington County Sherriff’s Department. Ken Walker has been attending the Washington County Sheriff’s Department Citizen’s Academy for the last 9 weeks, with one more week to go. He will be reporting to the Board of Directors his findings and how they may enhance our current Neighborhood Watch program.
    • The Social Committee: The next events will be: June 15th (The Community Garage Sale), July 4th (The CWN annual event that will be a joint event with Arbor Ridge’s community. Arbor Ridge will be doing the Hot Dog stand), August 6th (The National Night Out Event, which is also a CWN joint event in support of the Neighborhood Watch Program) and The Holiday Lighting Contest in the month of December)
  • Landscape – Discussion:
    • Discussion took place on the sprinklers being flagged and observed for waste of water. A question arose on rain sensors, which we have been looking at (quite expensive to update, but is a possible option in the future)
    • Everyone was reminded by Lynda DuLong (TMG) that if we see sprinkler leaks to phone them in right away.
  • Architectural – Mike Farris reported:
    • A discussion took place on the ARC Committee’s effectiveness. It was discussed the importance of having on-going records and the recording in permanent records for historical past and future data gathering. Special focus on painting and structural/uniform look. In the future a possible resolution to the CCR’s will be made.
    • Given the lack of volunteering it was motioned that the Board of Directors would take over future requests. It will be done via email, and at least 3 approvals need to be done for each request within 30 days of time.

VI. Management Report


  • Homeowner Correspondence (please see management report on file, for additional information).  Homeowner correspondences were discussed regarding waived yard maintenance reminders, and overdue dues.  It was discussed, that homeowners that wish to have a fine waived are asked to present themselves in front of the board in person to discuss further.


  • Delinquency report discussed in detail and recommended advisement of protocol in maintaining collections took place.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • N/A

VII. New Business

  • Walk ways and look at retaining walls. Quotes will be requested. We need at least 3.
  • Pull report from Show Place Landscaping on sprinklers to see where water conservation can take place. Possibly shut off areas with excessive watering to help control the water expenditure.
  • Seal Coat Proposal (for 2013 expenditures to include asphalt work for private streets).
  • Spring compliance physical reviews.
  • Possible resolution created for the ARC Committee for future compliance reviews.
  • Pending late Spring/Early Summer 174th will be resurfaced.
  • The black metal fencing behind the left document on Laidlaw needs to be removed.

VIII. Unfinished Business

  • Davey Tree Plan and Project Management.

IX. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at 8:10 pm

Minutes April 2013

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.  If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.


Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for April 2nd 2013

Homeowner Input

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 7:03 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • January 29, 2013 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously.

III. President’s Report

  • None

IV. Treasure’s Report

  • Mike Farris, Treasurer, did an overview of the financials and stated the following:
  • The Budget and Income are on track for the Cottage and Main Collection. As expenses come in for the year an on-going review and updates will be furnished.

V. Committee Report

  • Architectural – Mike Farris reported:
    • A discussion took place on the ARC Committee’s effectiveness. It was discussed the importance of
      having on-going records and the recording in permanent records for historical past and future data
      gathering. Special focus on painting and structural/uniform look. In the future a possible resolution
      to the CCR’s will be made.
  • Landscape – Tom W reported:
    • The following steps are in place to move the project forward:
      1. Add repair of water main estimates/choose a plumber for possible breakage.
      2. Schedule on-going meetings & walk troughs to implement (identify timelines, ground repair, land coverage)
      3. John at Showplace Landscaping suggestions and overview of project.
      4. Create a map (Mike Farris and Mike Foster), and have a special place on our Arbor Ridge Online Website to be able to reference the Davey Report, and frequently asked questions by our community residents.
      5. The tagging of the trees for year 1 is complete.
      6. Continued discussions on the physical impact of the removal of the trees. Which additional trees need to be considered for the 1st year removal. A scheduled walk through with the Landscape Committee and Davey Group (Ruth and Clay).
      7. On April 8th Lisa Walker and Lynda DuLong will be placing letters on the doors of the residents that tree removals will be taking place beginning the week of April 15th.
      8. There were 32 responses from the community on the letter sent out in March 2013.
      9. The trees that will be replaced will be flagged with paint on the curb.
  • Social Events/Neighborhood Watch/Newsletter– Lisa Walker reported:
    • The Neighborhood Watch program is still going strong with special current focus on providing continued crime alerts and educational materials from the Washington County Sherriff’s Department. Ken Walker is attending the Washington County Sheriff’s Department Citizen’s Academy for the next 10 weeks. He will be reporting to the Board of Directors his findings and how they may enhance our current Neighborhood Watch program.
    • The Social Committee had a successful Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Many neighbors reported how appreciative they were of the event. A big thank you went to TMG and ShowPlace Landscaping for their monetary donations in support of this year’s event.
    • The next events will be: June 15th (The Community Garage Sale), July 4th (The CWN annual event that will be a joint event with Arbor Ridge’s community. Arbor Ridge will be doing the Hot Dog stand), August 6th (The National Night Out Event, which is also a CWN joint event in support of the Neighborhood Watch Program) and The Holiday Lighting Contest in the month of December)

VI. Management Report


  • Homeowner Correspondence (please see management report on file, for additional information).  Homeowner Correspondences were discussed regarding waived yard maintenance reminders, and overdue dues.  It was discussed, that homeowners that wish to have a fine waived are asked to present themselves in front of the board in person to discuss further.


  • Delinquency report discussed in detail and recommended advisement of protocol in maintaining collections took place.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • N/A

VII. New Business

  • Walk ways and look at retaining walls. Quotes will be requested.
  • Pull report from ShowPlace Landscaping on sprinklers to see where water conservation can take place. Possibly shut off areas with excessive watering to help control the water expenditure.
  • Spring compliance physical reviews.
  • An amendment is needed to the Vial Fotheringham Collection Program, Lynda DuLong will be taking care of this and proper notification/update will be sent out.
  • Possible resolution created for the ARC Committee for future compliance reviews.
  • Amended taxes reviewed by Mike Farris/Treasurer.

VIII. Unfinished Business

  • Davey Tree Plan and Project Management.

IX. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at 8:28 pm

May Meeting Changed to 5/21/2013

The meeting scheduled for May 28th has been moved due to the Memorial Day Holiday.

The new date is May 21st @ 6:30 pm at the Amamere Retirement Center.

HOA Meeting Rescheduled for March

Please note that the meeting Scheduled for March 26th 2013 will be moved to April 2nd 2013.  The reason being is it was originally scheduled during Spring Break.  Also as a reminder the meetings are no longer held at the Sommerset Christian Church.  They are now held:

Avamere at Bethany

16360 NW Avamere Court Portland, OR 97229

 3rd Floor Craft Room

Board Meeting Location Change

Please note that until further notice we will be holding the Board Meetings at the following Location.

Avamere at Bethany

16360 NW Avamere Court

Portland, OR 97229

 3rd Floor Craft Room
