Pre-Emergent Treatment; Stay Off Soil Areas Sept 19th & 23rd 2024

Pacific Landscape Management will be performing the annual pre-emergent treatment on Thursday September 19th, 2024 and Monday, September 23rd, 2024. Their notice for this service is included below; To maintain your investment of living in a garden community, yearly landscape basic treatments are necessary to keep your maintenance cost low while ensuring the health of your investment. The following outlines your yearly planned treatment.

For pre-emergent applications, we spray the exposed soil where weeds can pop up. We will not spray plants or hard surfaces such as sidewalks.  Pre-emergent is used to prevent weeds from germinating.

Process takes approximately 6-7 hours to apply.
Stay out of beds (soil areas) until dry, approximately 2-3 hours or 24 hours.

Your Arbor Ridge Management Team
Association Management Services NW

Please Report Irrigation Leaks to AMS

If you notice any issues with the irrigation within the Arbor Ridge Cottage Collection (or Common areas of Laidlaw or West Union), you should report them to Management via email or by phone (Management Company Contacts). You will want to provide a brief explanation of what seems to be wrong (is it continuously running, not running at all or not facing optimally or watering the street or sidewalk?) and where it is located. If possible, include pictures if emailing.

Thank you,
Your Arbor Ridge Management Team
Association Management Services NW
On behalf of the Association’s Board of Directors

Do not remove Irrigation Flags

‼️ It’s been brought to Management and the Board of Directors attention that some of the irrigation flags placed by the Association’s landscaper, Pacific Landscape Management, have been removed or misplaced. This email is to request that residents do not remove or touch irrigation flags. There may be additional costs passed on to Arbor Ridge homeowners if repeated technician visits are needed to replace the flags in order for the necessary irrigation work to take place.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Tree Pruning & Removals | March 11 to 13 2024

Tree Pruning & Removals March 11-13th

Please Review Notice in its Entirety – Tree Locations Provided Below

Please be sure to remove any items or vehicles that may be blocking the vendor’s access or be at risk for damage (lighting, decorations, etc.). During this time, there will be workers throughout the Community and around your property to access the trees. For privacy, it is recommended that you keep your blinds and curtains closed.

The vendors will be putting up “No Parking” signs on the trees to be removed. If there is a tree with this sign on it, do not park within 20 feet of both sides of the tree. This is so that the vendors will be able to safely remove the tree without risking damage to residents’ vehicles.

Please do not disrupt the vendor’s work. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Management. Neither the HOA, TMG, nor the Vendor will be responsible for personal items damaged during maintenance.

We appreciate your patience and understanding while the Association undergoes this important work.


1 Sweetgum next to 216997 NW Arizona Dr
1 Oak next to 216997 NW Arizona Dr
1 Oak next to 16990 NW Arizona Dr
1 Oak behind 17009 NW Elk Run Dr
2 Oak behind 17021 NW Elk Run Dr
1 Sweetgum behind 17077 NW Elk Run Dr
1 Sweetgum behind 17135 NW Elk Run Dr
1 Oak behind 17149 NW Elk Run Dr
1 Oak behind 17185 NW Elk Run Dr
1 Oak next to 4392 NW Palo Verde Pl
1 Oak next to 4397 NW Palo Verde Pl
2 Oaks next to 4490 NW Legend Trail Pl
1 Oak next to 4495 NW Legend Trail Pl
1 Oak next to 4566 NW Continental Pl
1 Maple next to 4575 NW Continental Pl
3 Spruce next to 4392 NW Palo Verde Pl
4 Spruce next to 4397 NW Palo Verde Pl
1 Spruce next to 4436 NW Glenlakes Pl
1 Spruce next to 4443 NW Glenlakes Pl
3 Spruce next to 4490 NW Legend Trail Pl
2 Spruce next to 4495 NW Legend Trail Pl
2 Spruce next to 4540 NW Bobcat Pl
2 Spruce next to 4566 NW Continental Pl
3 Spruce next to 216997 NW Arizona Dr
2 Spruce behind 17033 NW Elk Run Dr
3 Spruce behind 17061 NW Elk Run Dr
3 Spruce behind 17101 NW Elk Run Dr
2 Spruce behind 17135 NW Elk Run Dr
3 Spruce behind 17167 NW Elk Run Dr
3 Spruce behind 17201 NW Elk Run Dr
*Owners who lease their units, please pass this information on to your tenants*

Thank you for your cooperation!

Landscaper – Rejuvenation of Shrubs | Spring 2024

The Board of Directors recently approved the following landscaping rejuvenation. Please read Pacific Landscape Management’s below notice and the attachments in their entirety so you are prepared for some of the landscape changes to come.


Rejuvenation of plant material will result in healthier shrubs that will grow back in a more natural shape that can be maintained.

Shrubs will be cut to the ground.

As winter approaches, you might notice that deciduous shrubs (those that shed their leaves annually) can look a bit bare and less attractive. To address this and maintain the desired height and health of our landscape shrubs, Pacific has begun cutting them back. This might mean some shrubs are pruned significantly and, in certain cases, cut down to the ground to encourage healthier, more naturally sized growth. While it may initially look like the plants are gone for good, rest assured they will regrow beautifully over the season. This practice varies from annually to every 2-3 years, depending on the type of plant. The most common deciduous plants they will perform this practice annually are Barberry, Abelia, Spirea, and Dogwood shrubs. Every 2-3 years: Willow, Hydrangea, Euonymus, and Forsythia.

Damaged shrubs due to the freezing weather:

The immediate impact of our cold snap in January varied throughout the Northwest. The Portland/Vancouver metro area and Willamette Valley got slammed with snow and Ice while Seattle received a little snow but was very cold. While the snow and Ice had immediate impacts to areas south, the cold weather impacts are beginning to show up throughout western Washington and Oregon.

Most plants utilized on landscapes in Western Washington and Oregon are hardy, but some are marginally hardy, and the wind exacerbated the impacts and damage. As can be seen in the pictures attached, cold and wind damage is beginning to show up on evergreen shrubs. Even the hardiest evergreens can be impacted by the cold with leaf burn. Leaf burns are showing up and will result in some or all leaves to drop going into spring. However, most will re-foliate when they break buds and begin to grow in the spring while some plants may need to be rejuvenated.

Some marginally hardy plants include Escallonia, Viburnum davidii, Viburnum tinus, Abelia, New Zealand

Flax, Otto Lyken Laurel, Wax Privet, Cotoneaster, and Nandina.

Unfortunately, while most plants will survive, spring will be messy, and some shrubs will look bad until they can recover in mid to late spring. For some, the best recovery will be to cut the plants.

Account Manager HOA Pacific Landscape Management

Examples of Plant Rejuvenation

Moss and Crane Fly Treatment | Jan 29 to 30 2024

Pacific Landscape will by applying moss and crane fly treatment on all the turf within the community beginning on Monday, January 29th – 30th. Moss Treatment works to prevent moss growing in the turf. Crane fly treatment works to prevent crane fly under the turf. The process takes approximately 5 hours to apply.

Owners and pets should stay off the turf until dry (approximately two to three hours after the application is complete).

Please note that this schedule does not allow for inclement weather and/or equipment malfunction. If there is a change in schedule, notice will be sent out via email.

If you rent your unit, please pass on this information to your tenants.

Thank you,

Association Management Services, NW On behalf of your Board of Directors

Community Reminders

Summer is here and we just remind our homeowners of a few things to keep in mind to help keep our neighborhood looking as great as it can.  If you have any questions you can visit the CC & R’s and Rules & Regulations

Community Reminders 2018-06

Landscaper Maintenance Schedules 2017

Have been posted in the Landscape and Maintenance Section for both the Common Areas and Cottage Homes


Newsletter June 2016

Please enjoy the June edition of the community newsletter.

ARHA June 2016 Newsletter

Newsletter March 2016

Please enjoy the March 2016 edition of the community newsletter.

ARHA March 2016 Newsletter