Minutes April 2019
Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for April 29, 2019
Avamere at Bethany Retirement Center (Craft Room | 3rd Floor); 16360 NW Avamere Court Portland OR 97229
6:32 pm
Lisa Walker, President
Joe Lopez, Vice President
Mike Farris, Treasurer
Kay Syravong, Secretary
Rhonda Corbella, Director
Todd Behunin, Director
Isaac Romero, Director (absent)
Lot No. 0033 -01
Resident asked for replacement of arborvitaes on his property. These are not HOA
responsibility – no action taken.
Lot No. 0374-04
Resident asked for removal of tree (roots near house water system and growing onto the
house) – unanimously approved.
Resident also asked for HOA assistance regarding dogs nuisance (constant barking and
attacking neighbors) at 4377 NW Palmbrook. HOA management will send letter to
residents at 4377 NW Palmbrook. Joe Lopez will obtain public record of Sheriff’s
response to said dogs attacks.
August 7, 2018 and January 22, 2019 – unanimously approved
A. Showplace Landscape Proposals
1. Enhance select triangle parking strips
Unanimously approved, subject to Tom Wilkinson (Chair, Landscape Committee)
verification of locations needing attention; cost of $1,637 from Cottage Reserve
2. Remove and replace dead arborvitaes
Replacement of arborvitaes unanimously approved as follows:
1:1 [remove 1/replace 1]
2:1 [remove 2/replace 1]
3:2 [remove 3/replace 2]
Cost of $952 from Commons Funds
3. Select tree thinning and lifting Streetscape/Commons
Unanimously approved; cost of $1,900 from Commons Funds
4. Select tree pruning for visibility and building sidewalk and driveway clearance
Tabled for more detailed scope of work (e.g., how cost of $2,380 was derived,
number of trees, etc.)
B. Tree Plan 2019
It was moved and seconded that 33 trees will be removed in phases
Phase I – 15 trees to be removed, plus 4 priority trees identified during tree walk
C. Perimeter Fence
1. Fence Cleaning
a) Details Image Restoration LLC. It was moved and seconded that the
Association accept Details Image Restoration LLC estimate ($3,370) for
fence cleaning. Motion carried.
Yes votes Lisa Walker, Mike Farris, Kay Syravong, Todd Behunin,
Rhonda Corbella
No vote Joe Lopez
2. Fence Removal
a) Removal of perimeter fence. Kay Syravong will research legal opinion
regarding Board authority to vote regarding removal of perimeter fence.
b) Survey. Survey will be sent to homeowners for input regarding perimeter
fence removal. Joe Lopez and Michael Walker to prepare pro/cons summary.
D. Bark dust
1. Common areas, $5,020 for 15 units of Fresh Fir – unanimously approved
2. Cottage Homes, $16,300 for 48 units of Fresh Fir – not approved
9:01 pm