Minutes January 2013

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.  If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.


Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for January 29th 2012

Homeowner Input

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:50 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • December 11, 2012 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously

III. President’s Report

  • None

IV. Treasure’s Report

  • Mike Farris, Treasurer, did an overview of the financials and stated the following:
  • Cottage Collection: In good condition, and income is up due to the assumption based on collections on settlements of approximately $6,000. The expenses are less for the year than expected, in relationship to ground and maintenance repairs.
  • Reserve review: Water up $3,000 over budget, and collection expenses were up.  In conclusion, the Cottage Collection budget has $11,500 excess monies and in good shape for the year to date.
  • Master Collection: In good condition with revenue up approximately $2,000, excess revenue of $1,700. The ground and maintenance is $1,200 less than expected, with the exception of plant replacement of $2,900 over budget. The budget is year to date of $1,200 excess, with low irrigation repairs. The management fees are $1,700 over budget, office supplies over budget, due to the assumption of additional Newsletter mailers sent, for an example.
  • Water usage was discussed, as $10,000 was spent extra in the Master Collection. **Lynda DuLong will investigate further with the water company and do a comparison to last year’s usage. Lynda reminded everyone, if there is a water leak to notify immediately TMG Maintenance.
  • Operating expenses higher by $8,000, but given revenue, with over budget of $4,800 this year to date.
  • **There was a consensus to explore “Native Planting” to embrace possible cost saving options to control water usage expenses and also look at adjusting sprinkler’s heads/water times and capping off sprinklers that are producing excessive watering. **Lynda DuLong will schedule Tualatin Valley Water services to come and meet with us to explore our options.

V. Committee Report

  • Architectural – Mike Farris reported:
    • No Updates
  • Landscape – Tom W. reported via email:
    • A discussion of the email sent by Tom Wilkinson on Nov. 18th, 2012, he is the Landscape
    • committee liaison to the project. (Mike Foster, President, is going to be the Board Liaison to the
    • Project in support of Tom’s initiatives and co-partnering with expertise in place (An Ad Hoc Committee is being formed The following steps are in place to move the project forward:

1. Finalize letter
2. Have legal review
3. Choose Arborist
4. Add repair of water main estimates/choose a plumber for possible breakage.
5. Choose type of tree replacements (Select an appearance to be uniform)
6. Schedule a 2nd meeting to implement (identify timelines, ground repair, land coverage)
7. John at Showplace Landscaping suggestions and overview of project.
8. Create a map (Mike Farris and Mike Foster), and have a special place on our Arbor Ridge Online
Website to be able to reference the Davey Report, and frequently asked questions by our
community residents.

  • Social Events/Neighborhood Watch/Newsletter– Lisa Walker reported:
    • The Neighborhood Watch Committee 2013 initiatives are: We would like to create a
      Community Disaster Recovery program; Ken Walker will be the Board Liaison on the project
      and participating in a 10 week program with the Washington County Sheriff’s Department
      Academy. **All Neighborhood Watch Signage has been posted as of this month.
    • The Social Event Committee 2013 initiatives are: CWN Network partnership development.
      To control monies/budget to do joint events: July 4th, hot dog booth (John Marty Park),
      National Night Out (John Marty Park), August 6th (in support of the Neighborhood Watch
      Program), and the Holiday Donation events in support of the local homeless students
      through Westview High School (Nov. and Dec. 2013). The next event scheduled is on March
      30th, The Easter Egg Hunt. Lisa Walker proposed a budget for this year’s event and it was
      motioned for approval by the board.
    • It was agreed upon that the HOA Newsletters will be created and sent to the Home Owners
      the end of February/first week of March. The letter will be formatted shorter with easy
      bullet points discussing current events and information. Lisa Walker and Lynda DuLong will
      partner on the next issue

VI. Management Report


  • Homeowner Correspondence (please see management report on file, for additional information). Homeowner correspondences were discussed regarding waived yard maintenance reminders, and overdue dues. It was discussed, that homeowners that wish to have a fine waived are asked to present themselves in front of the board in person to discuss further.
  • Regarding Eric J. Tenbrook’s services have ended as of 12/31/2012. A board discussion took place on the selected new law firm: Vial Fotheringham. (special process of resolution in place that is consistent with case to case)


  • Delinquency report discussed in detail and recommended advisement of protocol in maintaining collections took place.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • Curbs/sidewalk’s concrete work on private streets
  • Light replacement at the East side monument.
  • Tree project and initiatives

VII. New Business

  • Collections and legal review.
  • Dates of future board meetings, locations confirmed and signage updated with confirmed location.

VIII. Unfinished Business

  • Basketball Hoop Resolution:  A draft of an amendment to the CCR was being presented and reviewed by the board to be put in place in the future.  **to be reviewed by legal counsel and implemented/documented.
  • Davey Tree Plan and Project Management.

IX. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at 8:23 pm