Minutes December 2012

Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for September 25th 2012

Homeowner Input

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:40 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • September 25, 2012 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously

III. President’s Report

  • None

IV. Treasure’s Report

  • Mike Farris, Treasurer, did a brief overview and presented the Budget year to date.  The Budget was stated to be in good shape, as previously in review on September 25th, 2012 by Dave Cummings.  Additional discussions took place on the allocation of monies and the distribution within Maintenance and Repairs in association of the Operation Expenditures.  (A special focus and discussion took place on the water expense allocation.  It looks good, as the water expense is allocated in an accumulation and funded).

V. Committee Report

  • Architectural – Mike Farris reported:
    • Mike Farris reported that there is a light out at the monument on the East side.  He will notify Lynda DuLong and John of Showplace Landscaping to have the light replaced
  • Landscape – Mary Davidson reported:
    • It was announced that Tom Wilkinson will be taking the lead on the Landscape Committee and special focus will be on the Davey Tree Inventory and Management Plan. There was a discussion on the $500.00 monies that can be allocated when needed for any landscaping needing to take place, outside of Show Place Landscaping. The protocol is to send an email to Lynda DuLong (TMG), and cc Mike Foster as an fyi, and possible approval needed.
    • Regarding the Davey Tree Management Plan, it was discussed that we may need to obtain 3 bids from qualified arborists to perform the necessary work. Mike Farris will send an email to TMG to see if a 3rd bid is needed, or if the verbal bid from John at Show Place Landscaping will be sufficient.
    • Special concerns regarding the Davey Tree project are: the notification process of tree removals to the home owner, do all trees have to come out, what will be the replacement of trees removed so the appearance will not be hindered in the future (new tree placement must be timely), what responsibilities and liability will the homeowner have given the choices they make, side walk problems and safety/liability issues (TMG/Legal contact will need to review), rental homes and how the home owner will be notified (it is suggested a certified letter to be mailed), Deed on Title updated, mapping of project, and the Davey report is to be used as a guideline.
    • A future landscape meeting will take place to define the project timelines, the drafting of the letters, and to discuss the vacant lots report of 40-50 lots.
  • Social Events/Neighborhood Watch/Newsletter– Lisa Walker reported:
    • The Neighborhood Watch program is going well, and the signage has been installed on the authorized light poles. One sign is still pending and needing to be installed by the Washington County. Given the fact that the signs were placed on the light poles, a check was cut back on November 27th, 2012 in the amount of $225.00 in a cashier check returned back to TMG to be placed back into the reserves, as the poles purchased were not needed by Washington County. (Please make it noted that the check was issued to Lisa Walker by Washington County, given the original funding was done personally by Lisa Walker. Lisa then had a cashier check issued to TMG for the Arbor Ridge HOA). **Also, Washington County Sheriff’s Department will be placing in the future the “Enhanced Patrol District” signs under the installed Neighborhood Watch signs recently installed. It was announced that the Washington County Sheriff’s Department has let the community know that the ring of robbery suspects have been captured. Three have been apprehended, one is identified for a future arrest. It was stated by Washington County that because of the neighborhood watch this was a strong reason they were apprehended. Neighbors watching out for each other.
    • The CWN (Charlais Women’s Bethany Network) and the Arbor Ridge neighbors participated in the support of 52 families in need this year. Once everything was donated, and organized the children could come into a special designated room at Westview to do their choosing of needed items. Nike donated several thousands of dollars of new clothing, gift stockings were made, and special focus took place on several families that needed furniture, clothing, gift cards etc. We were thanked by CWN, for our participation. This will be noted in the future Arbor Ridge Newsletter, to announce the event and possible needs next year.
    • Holiday Lighting Contest will be taking place again in the month of December the week of the 16th.
    • It was agreed upon that the HOA Newsletters will be created and sent to the Home Owners in the months of March, June and October. (These issues will be announcing the Spring Clean-up, Easter Egg Hunt, Community Garage Sale, National Night Out, Annual Meeting and Holiday Lighting)

VI. Management Report


  • Homeowner Correspondence (please see management report on file, for additional information). Homeowner correspondences were discussed regarding waived yard maintenance reminders, and overdue dues. It was discussed, motion once and then twice, that homeowners that wish to have a fine waived are asked to present themselves in front of the board in person to discuss further. (Email notification will be sent by Lisa Walker to TMG, for files to be updated)
  • Regarding Eric J. Tenbrook’s letter stating his services will be ending 12/31/2012. Lisa will be sending an email to TMG/Board asking for the protocol and new replacement.


  • Mike Farris, Treasurer, stated a special focus in the near future will be upon the January 2013 reserves.

Repairs and Maintenance

  • Curbs/sidewalk’s concrete work on private streets
  • Light replacement at the East side monument.
  • Tree project and initiatives

VII. New Business

  • 2013 Budget discussion took place, please see Treasurer Report above.
  • Dates of future board meetings, locations confirmed and signage updated with confirmed location.

VIII. Unfinished Business

  • Basketball Hoop Resolution: A draft of an amendment to the CCR was being presented and reviewed by the board to be put in place in the future. **to be reviewed by legal counsel and implemented/documented.
  • Davey Tree Plan and Project Management.
  • The Wetlands and the Beavers were discussed along with continued concerns. The Beaver Deceiver was discussed, and the Beaver Deceivers being installed in the month of Nov. and Dec. 2012. Future discussions and plans are being in support of compliancy and protection of the Beavers and their home in the protected Wetlands. Washington County (Stephen Cruise and Crew) will be coming out to examine the possible drainage issue at Emerald Canyon. **The Wildlife and Fisheries have been notified, but have not responded as of this date.

IX. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at 8:01 pm