Approved Minutes

Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association Meeting November 3rd 2010

Called to order at 7:45 pm

Board Members Not Present: John and Aditya ; Present; Mike, Cathy, Dave, Sunil and Lynda from TMG

September Meeting minutes will be tabled till January 2011

Board Positions Open:

  • Treasurer
  • ARC Committee
  • Dave Cummings was re-elected to a 3 year term since his term was up.
  • Mike Foster will be taking a Director position.

Meetings for the 2011 year as as follows and subject to change:

  • January 24
  • March 28
  • May 23
  • July 25
  • September 26
  • October 24 – Annual Meeting
  • November 14

Times will also change from 7:00pm to 6:30 pm

A Newletter reminder with Meeting dates and New times will go out along with a section to have homeowners submit ideas along with a date to remove Holiday/Christmas Lights which should be down by February 2, 2011.

8:12pm Meeting was adjourned
