Approved Minutes for January 2010
Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association Meeting – January 25th 2010
Mike F., Dave C., John M., Sunil L., Tom W., Cathy P. and Lynda DuLong from TMG
Homeowner Input
Homeowner had a question about a loud neighbor and what to do about the neighbors loud parties that run into the night. The Association recommended that the Washington County Sheriff’s non-emergency line to deal with the situation. The homeowner in addition should contact TMG so a letter can be sent to the homeowner in violation.
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 7:07pm
Meeting Minutes
A motion to approve the Minutes from November 16th 2009
President’s Report
Playground equipment to be added to George Otten Park has not been added yet so Tualitin Hills Parks and Recreation must be waiting till spring to install the new equipment. THPRD have installed a sign noting the changes to the park. More people are signing up to the Arbor Ridge Web site.
Treasurer’s Report
Waiting on year end financial to come in and also looking to get some outside financial advice on changing the way the association is banking. Lynda will contact a financial adviser to attend a meeting. A discrepancy in water billing was reported by the President that it appears a charge may have been applied to the Main Association that should have been applied to the Cottage Landscape. TMG will look into it.
Committee Reports
Landscape Report: Nothing to report
ARC: Nothing to Report
Neighborhood Watch: John M. has checked the email inbox and has replied to the 2 emails in the inbox but nothing has been replied to.
Social Committee: The Holiday decorating contest went well this year and Cathy P. had a great time with it. The board suggested some changes and a expansion of the festivities for this year and also suggested that Cathy P. start planning it out now so the word will get out earlier this year. And some other suggestions about having a parade for the 4th of July and other events.
Newsletter: Mike asked for a volunteer to start up with the newsletter so John M. will start doing the Newsletter this year.
Management Report
1. Homeowner Correspondence
4457 NW Legend Trail Place – Homeowner has responded to the violation and is requesting that the removal of the fine of $48.74 – After a board discussion a motion was raised to keep the fine in place and this motion was seconded and approved by the remainder of the board
17190 NW Elk Run Drive – Homeowner had a For Sale sign in the front window of the home and given a $75 fine for the violation. Homeowner requested that the fine be removed due to the homeowner being on vacation. Motion was raised to keep the fine in place and this motion was seconded – Board voted to keep the fine in place.
4312 Diamondback Drive – Homeowner has been given a $75 fine for lawn maintenance issues homeowner is in attendance and discussed the situation to the board. Motion to wave the fine was raised by C.P. and seconded – board passes the motion to wave the $75 fine.
16687 NW Tucson St. – Homeowner would like the $75 fine removed for lawn maintenance violation. In a letter of response the homeowner explains that his lawn is now different than the common area next to his property. D.C. motioned that the fine remain and this was seconded and the board passed this motion.
17162 NW Mesa View Lane – Homeowner replied to the board that they would like the $75 fine removed since they have a contractor working on the lawn. But due to soil being mostly clay that this is delaying the results. S. L. motioned to keep the fine in place and C.P. seconded the motion. The board voted to keep the fine in place.
16976 NW Mesa view Lane – Homeowner responded to the violation with information that the lawn is doing better and Tom W. confirmed that there has bee improvements on the property. After discussion C.P. made a motion that the board will wave the fine as long as there is no citations within the calendar year of 2010 and the motion was seconded and the board voted to waive the fine on the condition that if no other citations would be issued the fine will be waved.
2. Compliance Report / Trash Cans
Trash cans were back up to about 80 s/b 50 cans left out past Thursday morning. After discussion if the can tagging was working or not the board seemed to be thinking that the tagging was working as long as after the second time there was a letter sent to the homeowner. Hopefully the numbers will drop again soon. Violations were not given out during the holidays but that seemed to lead to a spike in left out cans. Currently notes on left out cans and after 2 notes a letter will be sent out that will be the ongoing process unless another change needs to be discussed.
1. Delinquency Report – Currently the delinquent homeowners are just adding late fees to there fees owed. No additions to the information provided in the report.
2. Spectrum Year End Statement – Waiting for the independent auditor to hand in the report.
Repairs and Maintenance
1. Fence Update – Currently all fencing has been cleaned and or replaced.
2. Monument Lights – The sensor has been checked out and should be working correctly. Cathy noted that the West side Monument the middle light seems to be out or very dim.
3. Graffiti – All fence and wall graffiti has been removed – Cathy P.noted that there is still green paint on the sidewalk where the new wire fence was put in place. Also – graffiti is now on the Clean Water Signs which reside in the Wild Area between Laidlaw and 174th. They can be purchased from Clean Water dept at $8.00 a piece instead of having the graffiti cleaned off.
Unfinished Business
Neighborhood walk with the board – tentatively looking at spring time as a good walk around time.
Looking into having Tom include Moss/paint/and clutter around the home as a addition to his other duties as compliance officer.
New Business
4068 NW Klino Springs – $75 violation was charged to homeowner for yard maintenance. After discussion C.P. motioned to keep the fine in place, the motion was seconded and the board passed to keep the fine in place.
Cathy P. recommended that the new trees that Showplace replaced should be marked with a ribbon so we can track that they survive this next year. TMG will follow up with Showplace
Adjournment – 8:55pm