Approved Minutes For May 2006
Meeting Minutes
Mary Davidson called the regular meeting of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association to order at 7:00 PM on 5/22/2006 at Somerset Christian Church.
Present Board Members:
Mary Davidson, Ken Pepe, Mike Farris, Cathy Parson
Not Present: Dave Cummings
Guests: None
I. Approval of Agenda
The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.
II. Approval of Minutes
The minutes for April 24th 2006 meeting were unanimously approved.
III. Treasure’s Report
- Review of the current finances is within tolerance of the budget. No concerns.
- The bill from NWCM for 3600 copies was to resend the Budget out to the home owners.
IV. Homeowner Input
- Six home Owners Present
- One home owner had concern about the number of Statements he was receiving for his HOA dues for the cottage and main association. It was noted the board responded that the cottages should receive a total of three per a year. One for the main association for annual HOA dues. Plus Two (one on Jan and one in July) for the Cottage association. The HOA dues for landscaping are collected twice a year for covering the landscaping of the Cottage home yards.
- An issue of the Elder Bug has come to the board’s attention and is being addressed. Spraying will be done, a fall spraying is also being considered. Mary will continue to follow up on the issue.
- A few of the home owners have expressed dissatisfaction of our Management Company. The home owners have been invited to provide more input on issues and the board will address them.
V. Old Business
Landscape Improvements
- Shrub Replacement was completed by landscaper on 5/23/06.
- Cottage and Common area bark dust will begin in June 06.
- Fence washing will begin after bark dust application is completed.
- Parking strip proposal will be tabled for another meeting.
- Insurance and Legal Issues will be tabled till the next meeting. Key people could not attend.
- Wetlands update, Mary walked with the current managing company for the wetlands. Discussions continue about possible turn over to THPRD.
- Newsletter is complete, Mike asked board to review and provide feedback. A fellow home owner offered to help us fold and deliver Newsletter to home owners to help save on production costs.
- Ice Cream Social is being planned by the social committee for July or August.
- VI. New Business
Parking congestion on Oak Creek Drive
- The county will be posting no parking signs on the street to help eliminate the traffic problem and safety issues at the congested corner near West Union.
- This was addressed in Home Owner input also
- A notice is being created citing the CC & R’s and will be placed on offending vehicles. Multiple violations will result in fines. Final proposal will be in the next meeting.
- CC & R noise violation is being addressed by the Management Company. Home owners are encouraged to call the Sheriff to report the problem for faster response and the contact NWCM to report the problem and provide any info from the Sheriff.
- Home owners need to keep their yards in order per the CC & R’s and home owners are encouraged to call NWCM to report violations. Some home owners have been very relaxed about keeping up their yards. Fines will start being produced on repeat offenders.
Elder Bug Issue
CC & R Parking Violation
Noise Violation
Yard up-keep
VII. Adjournment:
Mary adjourned meeting at 8:06 PM. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on 6/26/2006 at Somerset Christian Church.
Minutes submitted by: Mike Farris