Minutes January 2004
Approved Minutes For January 2004
Arbor Ridage HOA Minutes, 1/13/04
Cindy Sorum, Presiding
Deborah Bogle-Tao, Recording
Somerset Christian Church 7:00pm
Board members present: Cindy Sorum, Deborah Bogle-Tao, Allen Morgan, Mary Davidson. John Scruggs absent.
Approval of Minutes: Motion made by Allen and seconded by Deborah. Minutes (12/09/03) approved with a change. Retainer fee portion changed to “Cindy reported NW Community Management will propose a retainer fee and they will provide approximately 15 hrs of service a month.”
Approval of Treasure’s Report: Motion made by Deborah and seconded by Mary. All in favor. Allen will check with NWCM for more information on the main Association year-end figures for water, common area maintenance and printing and special services.
ARC Report: NWCM will deliver applications soon.
Neighborhood Watch Committee Report: Mary suggested we check on the interest level in the springtime maybe with a neighborhood watch rally.
Newsletter Committee: Newsletters are finished. Board members will distribute them to homeowners.
Social Committee Report: We discussed having three social activities this year. They include an Easter Egg Hunt, National Night Out Ice Cream Social and holiday light contest. We budgeted $300 for an Easter egg hunt. Allen will check with NWCM to determine the money available for these events.
Homeowner request: Homeowner of lot # 543 was present. Motion made by Allen for a one-time exception to the neighborhood landscaping standards and seconded by Cindy. All in favor.
Pat Moore stopped by to pick up the receipt for the newsletter copies. Cindy signed it.
Mary reported on the management company used by Oak Hills. Next, she will gather information on Claremont to share with us.
Punch List
• Board requests the management report a week before the meeting.
• Mary needs a binder.